A decent RTS that's different to most. Not quite 'very good'

User Rating: 6 | R.U.S.E. X360
RUSE is completely different to any other XBOX strategy game.
It is set during the second world war and features various battle grounds including Berlin.

The maps are huge, dwarfing most RTS maps. This may seem intimidating at first but players soon get used to it and can learn to use it to their advantage during games.

RUSE has many units to offer, ranging from tanks, to troops and even bombers, fighters and fighter-bombers. The units also vary depending on which nation you play as, adding a bit of 'spice' to the game.

The game doesn't appear to be well known and therefore the online population is not that impressive.

The game also features free DLC to keep you occupied, but despite this, I have quickly become bored of the seemingly endless campaign and somewhat repeatitive online games.

To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't buy the game unless you really have done your research and you're sure you'll like it.

Almost, but not quite there.