this is one of those rare JRPG gems that are hard to come across and should not be missed. there is so much to do.

User Rating: 8 | Rune Factory Oceans PS3
buy this game. you will not regret it. the battle system is real-time which is nice for a change because i dislike turn-based. you can fish, farm, craft, smith, capture monsters, and more. there are barely any JRPG games for the PS3. if you are looking for a solid experience then this game is for you. go out and buy it. the only things about this game is that there is no voice work for the whole game. only cutscenes and certain conversations and stuff. the cutscenes are beautifully crafted and it is like an anime. so check this game out. i got it for $40 and it was worth it. i just wish you could play online, but other than that i love this game. its like runescape but anime style and just overall better. this game is very addictive and fun and you'll stay busy for a while. you can discover new islands and leveling up is fun. this game should not be missed if you love JRPG games as much as i do.