Once you learn exactly how everything fits together, it's possible to make great games.

User Rating: 8.5 | RPG Tsukuru 3 (PlayStation the Best) PS
This game is in a double-CD case because it has two instruction manuals, but only one disc. If that doesn't serve as a clue to its complexity, I don't know what will.

You have tons and tons of sprites for monsters, characters, objects, and environmental set pieces. These range in style from sci-fi to olden fantasy, and can be used for nearly any purpose; their collision data is built in, though, so be careful the player can't walk over a desk.

It's even possible to create your own sprites with the Anime Maker tool, although it's not even worth bothering if you don't have a mouse; there's no support for analog sticks, and the D-pad is not fun to draw with. With the amount of text you have to enter in with the on-screen keyboard, however, it's a shame the game doesn't work with any kind of keyboard.

Overall, if you can find this game, it's worth your money. One precaution: the game does not autosave ANYTHING, so you have to b careful not to overwrite any system or scenario data. Also, it's a shame there's no way to distribute your games aside from copying the data onto multiple memory cards and buying multiple copies of the game.