I cannot say enough good things about this game.

User Rating: 10 | Rocksmith X360
I'm 38, been playing guitar on and off for the past 6 or so years. I never really got very good and at times got very frustrated with the learning process. Plus when you have kids you never really have a lot of time to dedicate to playing guitar, so you just end up messing around for 4-5 hours each week, but never really get anywhere. At least for me, that is the case. So a year or so ago, my Epi Les Paul started collecting more dust.

Then Rocksmith comes along and changes everything. I have a totaly renew of my love for my guitar and Rocksmith is just what the doctor ordered for teaching me things I was missing. Giving me games, lessons and dynamic difficulty for playing songs, challenging me and really working myself up slowly to playing a full blown real song. I just love this, and cannot say enough good things about this game.

Sure there are a few bugs and a few places that could use improvements, but overall, if you are like me and want to mess around with your dusty guitar, but don't have endless hours do dedicate, this game is perfect. This game is everything (and more) of what I'd hoped RB 3 Pro Mode would be. RB falls on its face (and drug through the mud) if you were to even attempt to compare them.

One thing I really love about this, is that there are multiple ways for playing some songs. It's great that they give you "chord", "single note" and "combo" versions of the songs to play.

Just fantastic!!! I totally recommend this game to anyone who had a guitar, knew a bit about how to play it, but let the guitar get dusty because you were frustrated with the time required to really be good (or halfway descent) with it. This will really help with a lot of the growing pains and help build some of those techniques that were too hard to learn on your own.