After borrowing this game from a friend for a couple of hours already I've made my mind up about it.

User Rating: 4 | Rock Revolution DS
A lot of you may be thinking "Another company trying to cash in on the music rhythm game franchises (see guitar hero / rockband) And to be honest, you're perfectly right thinking that.

Okay, so where do i start...

Graphics: 2/10... no wait, lets be generous here 4/10

My goodness they are tacky, they remind me a lot of elf bowling. Rubbish basically. Seriously, I expect more from you Konami. The game hardly makes use of the DS's graphical capabilities, personally for me, the best looking thing about the game is seeing my reflection in the screen and that's saying something.
Honestly. they could've done so much more with it that it feels almost wasted.

Sound: 6/10 Okay so they have some alright song's in the game, it's just a shame that they sound so awful through both speakers and headphones. I've heard better sounding songs on an 8 bit machine. Whether or not this is my DS i don't know i just found the sound quality very lacking. Not to mention a lot of the menu sounds sound like they were ripped off from a certain franchise (I'm looking at you guitar hero)

The only good thing about this game sound wise is the tracklist, which features a few good tracks, the downside is the crap audio quality. whether this is the same in the other versions of the game i don't know but if it is i suggest you steer well clear of them.

Gameplay: Okay i'm going to have to be honest here. 5.5/10
Sadly i did enjoy the gameplay, that's the only thing stopping me from scoring this any lower. HOWEVER, the control's are fiddly and with the drumming i found myself using two stylus's to actually hit the drum enough times not to fail the song. so yeah, it almost failed there.

The guitar playing is incredibly shoddy however, it makes no sense and the pitiful excuse for the games version of "star power" is pathetic.

The bass has some decent elements of gameplay to it, however as with the guitar it can be somewhat unresponsive.

The drumming was probably my favorite element about the game, it took speed and some degree of co-ordination, which i liked about the game and is the main reason gameplay didn't get a 4 instead of a 5.5

Vocals. Yeah basically i found you can hum or whistle your way through which is a bit disappointing, but better for me because i can't sing for toffee.

Multiplayer: I haven't been able to try this yet but I'm guessing its similar to normal play

Any last words?... YES
Do not buy this, borrow it off a friend if you want to play it for a couple of hours.

It's an awful game. Even worse than full metal alchemist dual sympathy in my opinion (even though i scored that lower)