High hypes can only bring you so high until you are let down, which this game is. Great concept, awful execution.

User Rating: 5.1 | Robotech: Invasion XBOX
I have read many previews of this game, and my hopes for this gaming actually becoming what it was said to be was growing with every word. Once i rented it and played it, I was let down very much. The graphics which were changed from their anime look of the first, have been turned into what I'd like to call, "realistic crap". The gameplay is very weak, and gets rather boring and repetitive fast. While the motorbike attacked to your back is a great concept, its execution is very weak. Both first and third person look poorly done. The HUD seems as if it was put together in a couple of minutes. The sound is the only thing worth mentioning. The explosions and sounds from your weapons are intense, but the sounds of your comrades sound a bit weak for the most part. While there is online play, the maps are very small, with little for you to do. They are rather ugly and poorly put together. All the enemies look the same, and when talking, none of the characters move their lips. It's just a poorly put together game. Great concept, awful execution.