Some of my fondest memories come from this game. No, really.

User Rating: 9.2 | Road Rash 3DO
This game is absolutely priceless to me. I don’t remember a whole lot of my childhood, but when I think back, this game is one of the only things I can remember. I got this game when I was about 6 and my brother and I played the hell out of it. Neither of us were good at videogames at the time, so it took us literally 2 years to completely beat it (yeah, we were pretty bad). Nothing was more satisfying than getting a sweet weapon and knocking people off of motorcycles. Or hitting old ladies with walkers and watching them fly. Or passing by men in suits and watching their pants fall to reveal their embarrassing polka-dotted boxers.

This game and Goldeneye for the N64 are absolutely the landmarks of my entire childhood. That may sound lame, but it’s true.