Good Game For A PS2 Launch Title

User Rating: 8 | Ridge Racer V PS2
Ridge Racer V is a decent racer for its time when it was released with the launch of the PS2 in 2000. The car models look fine (especially when changing the color schems on the body and decals), the graphics look nice for an early PS2 game, and the music selections really capture the racing atmosphere for Namco's Ridge Racer games. You find yourself competitng in championship races (standard and professional) to win certain cars, each displaying different performances in speed, acceleration, and handling. You'll also get the opportunity to participate in free runs to check out the certain tracks that you might find yourself racing in for the championships and time trials to post the best lap. This game may be a bit challenging for newcomers of the Ridge Racer franchise, but once you learn to master the mass drifting around corners you will be doing in the game (brakes are hardly useful), you'll be home free. You have to finish in at least 4th place or higher to advance to the next race in the championship races and you have 3-4 chances to retry if you make below or else you'll be out of the championship and you'll have to start over. The use of the pacman to symbolize hoow far behind or ahead you are in the races are very creative and really does a great job of intermixing two Namco franchises together. Overall, Ridge Racer V is challenging at first, but after a few hours of gameplay, you'll eventually get the hang of it.