The musical RPG reborn on the Nintendo DS.

User Rating: 8 | Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure DS
I still remember playing this game on the Playstation, and quite frankly, I
enjoyed it. After years of giving this game a rest, I found a copy of the game
for the DS, and you can imagine how happy I was to see it. (Or can you?...I don't know!) With that said, (or typed) I bought the game along with another one--different story for a different day--and I started up the game thirty minutes after getting home. (it was a long walk and I was hungry, okay!?)
I had been playing this game for a good amount of time, while at the same time walking down Nostalgia Road.....almost nothing had changed from its
ancestor on the Playstation, and that, boys and girls, is a good thing! All the
characters and storyline are still intact; and how can I forget that snooty girl
known as Etoile! (where in that dress of hers could she be hiding those firearms!?)
I did say "almost nothing changed," and with that, there is only one thing which strayed from its Playstation counterpart, and that is the dialogue; it switched from English to Japanese which, in my opinion, is a big disappointment for a game based on its original version. I have nothing against foreign dialogue, but when it comes the time to listen to those old tunes we remember hearing, there's nothing worse than changing the language so as to prevent anyone from singing along! (that's not to say that I sang along, so stop laughing!)
Believe it or not, this one problem puts the game down ten points then I would
have given it should it have been kept in English dialogue. Regardless of this
flaw, it's still the great game it was on the Playstation, although I prefer playing
the original over this.