Short but sweet, nya!

User Rating: 8.1 | The Adventure of Puppet Princess: Marl Oukoku no Ningyou Hime PS
I won't pull any punches, nya... this game is short and ridiculously easy, nya. If you plan on playing it expecting anything revolutionary, you'll be sorely disappointed, nya. But I don't rate games on how technically sound they are, nya. I rate games depending on how much I enjoy it, nya! Of course, my tastes are quite different from that of others, nya. Suffice it to say, if you enjoy first-person shooters more than RPGs, you might as well ignore everything I ever have to say about anything, nya.

The game follows our heroine, Cornet, on a quest of love, nya! Y'see, she's in love with the prince of the Marl Kingdom, and the evil witch Marjoly has turned him to stone and taken him away, nya! Yes, it's a rare case of the heroine trying to save the prince, nya! Along the way she encounters an endearing cast of characters, most of which are cute and interesting, nya!

Of the characters she meets, many of them are puppets that she can control and add to her party, nya! Once you level up some of these puppets enough, they gain skills that, quite frankly, make the game way too easy, nya. Halfway through the game, I found myself using a single strong spell to blast through every single fight, nya. Even boss fights, nya! After playing the other Nippon Ichi games, I expected some kind of challenge, but this game was so ridiculously easy, I questioned whether it was a NIS title or not, nya!

So I've already said one pro and one con, nya. Now for another pro: the music, nya! It isn't called Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure for nothing, nya! Every couple hours (or less, nya) the characters break out into song, nya! And quite a few of them are really touching, nya. I've never experienced a musical RPG before, nya... and chances are, I'll never experience another one again, nya. This is what makes Rhapsody truly unique, nya. Of course, if you don't like a little song and dance, you might as well not play it, you sick, sick monster nya!

Overall, it's a very cute and memorable experience, that I highly reccomend, nya! But if you prefer longer and more difficult games that lack cute songs, GO AWAY AND DON'T TURN BACK, NYA!