"Pretty" Fun

User Rating: 8 | Rez HD X360
Gave this game a few hours on Xbox Live Arcade just a little bit ago and it's pretty fun. It's nothing amazing, but it's much more than plain "good". For an on-rails shooter, it's a lot more fun than it actually sounds. The music and visuals set up for a great A/V experience. I just recently got a HDTV for my bedroom and this game looks spectacular on it. The game is part wire-frame part retro-3D and it's the best looking game on XBLA. Not for the amount of polygons or (the lack of) bumpmapped textures, but for it's overall style. The shooting is pretty fun and very responsive.

If there's any problem with it - it's that it's very repetitive and could get boring after a few play-sessions. It's also short. It was definitely worth the XBLA Game Price but it's not the best game on the Xbox Live Arcade. If you don't have Castlevania or Puzzle Quest, I'd recommend you try those first. Those are twice as much fun in my opinion and will last you much longer.