
Far Cry Primal Review

  • First Released Feb 23, 2016
  • PS4
  • PC
  • XONE
Mike Mahardy on Google+

Into the wild.

Far Cry Primal is a case study in how a game's setting can drive its every layer, from the tone of its story, to the dangers of its world, to the brutality of its combat.

That setting is the Stone Age. It's 10,000 BC, and our protagonist Takkar is searching for the lost members of his Wenja tribe. They're scattered across the Oros Valley, a dense wilderness of forests, swamps, and frozen caves, complete with mammoths and sabertooth tigers. As Takkar, you'll build up a new Wenja village with a multifarious cast of characters.

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Now Playing: Far Cry Primal - Video Review

This reconstruction sets up Primal's progression system. By recruiting the aforementioned Wenja--such as the shaman Tensay or the warrior Karoosh--you'll unlock new items, weapons, and abilities. When you look past the facade, it's essentially a new skin for the franchise's traditional upgrade structure. But it lends character to what could be a lifeless system.

As you build up your tribe from within, you encounter members of other groups, the majority of whom have plans contrary to your own. The identity of each of the game's three tribes, and the political dynamic between them, sets up conflicts in a natural way.

Building your village grants you new upgrades, equipment, and tools.
Building your village grants you new upgrades, equipment, and tools.

So too does Primal's world. In fact, most of the game's conflicts arise from nature. Primal still uses the basic open-world framework of a traditional Far Cry game, with a cascading series of outposts to capture, weapons to unlock, and upgrades to craft. But the Stone Age setting is far more foreboding than those of past Far Cry games.

Here, vicious animals travel in packs, striking as a collective whole while you slink through the undergrowth toward enemy camps. A day/night cycle also adds more tension to the world: predators are more abundant and aggressive in the darkness. Even now, after dozens of hours in this valley, I still feel anxious as the sun goes down, hoping I have enough animal fat to ignite my club and ward off hulking carnivores.

This focus on survival permeates Far Cry Primal. In the northern wastes, the cold becomes a factor, making each bonfire a glowing beacon of safety as you fight to stay warm. In Primal's lush swampland, avoiding danger means avoiding the water, where underwater predators abound.

There's a fine balance between tension and fun that elevates the whole experience.

As a solitary hunter with simple tools, you're also less equipped to defend yourself than the protagonists of Far Cry 3 and 4. Gone are handguns and grenade launchers--here you have spears, clubs, and slingshots. They not only bring a slow, measured pace to combat, but also add to Primal's overall identity and tone. You're a lone wanderer here, not a walking armory. And although there are more ways to die in this Far Cry than any previous entry, Primal never feels too difficult--there's a fine balance between tension and fun that elevates the whole experience.

On one of Primal's nights, the valley's lurking threats coalesced into a challenge that tested all of my knowledge of the game's survival systems. I was out of wood for spears. I was low on meat for health. I was hundreds of meters from the warmth of the nearest campfire. So by sprinting toward the closest sanctuary on my map--collecting hardwood for torches along the way, and relying on stealth and my few remaining arrows for defense--I trekked through one of the more stressful scenarios the game had to offer. Yet it was thrilling. This was Primal at its best.

The Stone Age setting can also be a detriment, though. The simple toolset serves the game's themes well, but with enough time, it becomes clear how limited your loadout really is. In stealth scenarios, I rely on my silent bow. In open combat, I swing my club wildly. When hunting elk and grizzly bears, I use my spears. There are several more creative tools, but by and large, I find myself relying on the same simplistic options time after time. Primal's reliance on Stone Age combat detracts from the emergent scenarios that occur elsewhere.

Certain animals function better as stealth companions.
Certain animals function better as stealth companions.

There are also powerful enemies whose excessive armor chips away at the fun. I had the best spear upgrades possible, but even at this point in the game's late hours, these armored brutes can take almost 30 seconds to bring down. That's not fun--that's tedium.

But then there's the Beast Master skill tree, and it's the most impactful change to the Far Cry formula. It allows you to tame the creatures in this ancient setting, recruiting them to hunt, fight, and travel with you.

Jaguars kill enemies without alerting larger groups. Wolves pounce on distant archers while you close the gap. You can also ride bears and baby mammoths, clawing and bashing your way through groups of warriors with little resistance. You can use your owl to scout the land ahead of you, tagging more dangerous fighters and dropping makeshift grenades into groups of enemies.

Beast Master abilities are the embodiment of Far Cry Primal's strengths.

Learning the unique abilities of each animal, and taking the time to experiment with them, is essential for your survival. After a while, your predator allies become an extension of yourself. They become the powerful weapons otherwise absent in the the abrasive wilderness.

These abilities are the embodiment of Primal's strengths. When it uses the Stone Age setting to elevate the combat and reinforce the brutality of nature, it thrives. It fosters a give-and-take relationship with the wilderness, granting you the means to survive, but also the threats you have to overcome. That focus on primitive times can become a hindrance at certain points, with limited tools and repetitive combat, but in the end, Far Cry Primal stays true to its callous setting, fleshing out every layer of the captivating world it creates.

Editor's Note: Far Cry Primal is now available on PC, and after taming numerous wild animals, liberating defended enemy outposts, and recruiting several members of the Wenja tribe, it's clear that Primal's PC version not only matches the quality of its console cousins, but slightly outpaces them in several ways, too. 60fps makes the brutal combat smoother. Detailed textures lend a more natural look to the Stone Age environment. Far Cry Primal's setting is its greatest strength, and in its newest form on PC, it's still worth the many hours it takes to explore.

Mike Mahardy on Google+
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The Good

  • Cohesive, foreboding world
  • Tense focus on survival
  • Creative Beast Master abilities

The Bad

  • Repetitive combat
  • Limited weapon set

About the Author

Mike Mahardy spent about 30 hours riding mammoths, burning villages, and crafting spears in Far Cry Primal on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Both console copies were provided by Ubisoft.
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Edited By TdotTbot

Yes, I agree Far Cry 3 had rain, a dynamic weather system, pretty cool stuff and ideal for a tropical open world game. Far Cry Primal and Far Cry 4 sadly got lazy in that department. They removed it. All the trees, grasses, animals, lakes, rivers and even water falls apparently don't require precipitation. This bugs me. If I have this thought rattling around in my head when I'm playing a game it kills it for me! That is my humble and subjective opinion. Its in the small details that make a good game great. Take for example Assassins Creed Black Flag, good game, great idea, good start, but the moment my character did a nose dive off a 20 meter cliff head first into about 1 meter of water I just got this bad sinking feeling that ruined the experience for me. Or not to be able to punch someone in the face in Watch Dogs. Or AC Unity, where you dialled in the day/night? WTF? I understand that there is some level of ridiculousness in games, but Ubisoft takes the cake. DYNAMIC WEATHER, is something that should subtly run in the back ground as well as the day/night cycle to add volumes to immersion and the gaming experience. If this isn't a big deal to you in OPEN WORLD games than your part of the problem, supporting shitty developers who are lazy as hell! Give us your money for a chore of a game that is about as deep and immersive as a muddy puddle on a hot sunny day! We are literally taking the last game we made and rehashing it. There's no denying it! You can't deny that! I watched the video, if you don't get this then your in denial and it's because your STARVING for new content! All I'm saying is this, in this day and age, with this level of experience in the gaming industry, with all the technology available, is it too much to ask for to add a little bit of detail and care? Is it too much to ask for a trickle of realism to balance the whole ridiculousness of it out? Dear Ubisoft, you aren't trying anymore and it's been apparent for quite some time now, so please, stop robbing people of their hard earned money, and just stop making games. Go open up a hot dog stand company and make it a chore for people to buy hot dogs from you. You can charge them up the ass for extra condiments that should be included with the hot dog. You can apply your laziness and shitty business practices to something that should only cost about $3.99. Stay away from the "AAA" games department. Thank you. @kenundrum7@jinzo9988@alien33

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@tdottbot: That was worse then your rain rant.

Yous a glass half empty kind of guy.

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@tdottbot: Rant over... :P

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"Is it too much to ask for a trickle of realism" There's loads of realism. The thing is all the real stuff goes un-noticed because you are so used to seeing "real" around you all day. It's just the minor unrealistc things that stand out. I come from a time when you REALLY had to use your imagination while gaming. Flight simulators on the old spectrum for example. That was pretty much just a horizontal line across the screen. You had to use your imagination to know that above the line is sky and below the line is earth or ocean or whatever. Hell you could roll the plane a few times then not know what way was up or down because the ground and the sky were exactly the same.

GTA is the only game that gets pretty much everything right for a open world game. The only thing people could really complain about GTA 5 was there were not enough buildings you could enter, but it's not like Rockstar were being lazy, they just spent all their time and lots of effort on making the rest of the world so believable and epic.

I like Skyrim and the main thing I find annoying about that game is how the sun moves a few degrees once every 10 second or so then stops. . . . then moves a bit again. . . then stops. . it's really noticeable when looking at shadows as they move. Why they couldn't have the sun moving at a constant slow rate I don't know.

Guess what I'm saying is all games will have something that breaks immersion as games are just that, games not real life. Todays generation of gamers are spoiled and forget just how hard replicating real life is. Consoles and PC's today produce visuals as realistic as CGI movies from 15-20 years ago. Those movies were drawn/rendered on a PC frame by frame for years to create enough frames for the movie. Todays consoles/pc's do that shit on the fly. Cut devs some slack, they are doing great. Most of them got into it because they love gaming and want to create greatness. People complain about there not being enough games for new gen. If devs spent even more time honing there game to get it even more real then we'd have even less games right now. They cant win.

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Edited By TdotTbot

@analgrin: Point taken, very insightful post! I just want to stress the fact that we are paying top dollar for these games. GTA5 is a technological wonder and very detailed! GTA5 is one of my all time favourite games and a true masterpiece. I payed the same price for that game. I payed $70 for it. Far Cry Primal wants $70 from me. That is my issue here guys. I understand that there are always things that take away from immersion and that recreating real life is a tremendous feat. That being said certain things in games are forgivable and I have no problem looking past some glitches and hiccups. I'm very forgiving with games like Fallout 4 and Skyrim, or non enterable buildings in GTA5 because these games have so much more going for them. They have dynamic weather, they have story lines, they have detail that reflect love, time and care. This is why when I shoot a deathclaw in the leg and it goes flying up into the atmosphere I laugh, and shrug it off, because I'm still having fun and I'm still enjoying the overall experience. It doesn't take anything away because I know that it's not a part of the actual game itself. It wasn't meant to be. I forgive stuff like that! But when you have stupid shit like zip lines or taming ravenous beasts with your hand, or the same boring game that was boring the last year just with a different theme, that's bullshit. Just imagine that you are in this beautiful sprawling world, you live there, and you've lived there in your village hunting and gathering for quit some time now, I'm talking 50 to 60 hours now, your starting to get into it, and then it dawns on you. It never rained. Once. And not only that, it never will. Ever. Thats disappointing. It might sound funny to some of you, but thats important to me in a OPEN WORLD game! I PAID FULL PRICE FOR FAR CRY 4 and when that very thing dawned on me I was pissed! I felt cheated! WTF? So don't tell me these developers care, and if they did they would work for Rockstar, because they allow the proper time and care to facilitate the production of master pieces. They don't pump shit out every year to make money! That's what Activision is for! Thats all this is, a money grab. A seasonal money grab that doesn't take gaming or gamers into consideration other than the fact that they all have wallets. Its a fucking abomination is what it is and it pisses me off! Which is why I right stuff like this, so that people stop buying and condoning lazy behaviour!!!!!

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Edited By grin89

I must be getting old, these new games seem repetitive and boring nowadays.

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@grin89: Dude I agree about the age thing, I'm not really into anything anymore but I am a fan of Farcry ever since Farcry 2 ( I miss deteriorating weapons) and I will play this simply because this game reminds me of the Shangril-La portions from Farcry 4 which a lot of people are correct in the whole copy paste comment. From the videos I haven't been really sold on it but the gameplay does feel different from typical military shooters so I'm welcoming the change and I will buy it. But back to your main point, your probably too busy with real life things to waste time playing anything and you only want quality, that's where I'm at now. I'm upset that it took me this long to play Infamous Second Son, that game is F***in magical and stunning. Not spending money until Uncharted 4 comes out and I will buy this on sale 100%. Peace.

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Edited By LTJohnnyRico

@grin89: I'm in my late 30's I played in the arcades back in the day .. and back then all games were repetitive .. all we cared about was which one of us got the high score (bragging rights) .. Nowadays kids have to moan about everything !!

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DRM made game unplayable. Had to get refund. Praise be to Gaben.

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@csthomas888: Actually coming back to this post I remember how Far cry 4 was on the PC and having the same problem as most people loading in then crashing before you get to the menu. they eventually fixed that though.

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@csthomas888: Damn not again. I pretty much stayed away from this one cause they never fixed the bugs from the last Far Cry, but if they want to go this route i'm done with Far Cry.

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Edited By Aiden_Kasel

Honestly i'm just buying this to enjoy playing it maxed out in 60fps to travel Ubisofts version of the stone age

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Edited By Gelugon_baat

Oh god, that hideous duplicate/repeat bug in the platform label in review articles. It has been around for a week.

GlitchSpot be f*cking GlitchSpot.

I would not be surprised if this bug came up because of GameSpot's implementation of Taboola side-bars. F*cking irritating automated-ad webpage elements - thank AdBlock for element-hiding features.

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This game needs a TUROK themed DLC! Not the mediocre new games, but in the aesthetic and spirit of Turok 1. You get Tek Arrows, basic guns, and weird alien weapons, but there are cybernetic dinosaurs, aliens, and time travelling poachers after your ass. Think about how successful Blood Dragon was due to how different it was. Make it happen!

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@1speedbike: Or just plain dinosaurs without space, robots and other sci-fi crap.

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i was playin this on my htpc and my mom walked in and said "hey turn off this national geographic show, i want to watch the oscars." THAT'S HOW REALISTIC IT IS.

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Edited By streamline

@iloveyourface: It is also sad that she rather have you watch the Oscars than National Geographic, but I think something similar happen to me too.

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What are the two songs in this review? Are they from the game soundtrack? I couldn't find them on the album.

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Edited By TdotTbot

Agreed. I find that games now a days costs a lot. And I'm not saying that some of them aren't worth every dime, some of them, like this one and every other Ubisoft game isn't in my opinion. This game would cater to people who never played Far Cry before. Wouldn't it have been cool though, to look out from your cave to a raving thunderstorm, hearing all the rain drops trickling? You wouldn't be able to use your torch obviously, perhaps making you reconsider venturing out in the first place. It would just add another level of realism, which would quickly be snatched away by some game mechanics such as simply walking up to a wild animal with your hand stretched out like a flipping retard! Wow! Or possession of a owl, that can not only fly around and stalk enemies, but heck! Lets throw some Terminator vision in there too. I'm really surprised they spent the time developing a story to this game, it really is it's only saving grace. Oh wait, never mind....@kenundrum7

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Edited By jinzo9988

@tdottbot: it's a good idea to make you reconsider the act of going out in the rain and instead you want people who are playing a video game to sit in a cave and do nothing while they wait for the rain to pass? And that clearly was what happened in the older Far Cry games right, because this one apparently appeals to people who have never played a Far Cry game and by extension the older ones had that level of survival of immersion.

Are you on something?

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@jinzo9988: Yes, sit in a cave and do'll probably have more fun.

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Edited By TdotTbot

Its a Farcry 4 reskin, you'd think they'd have the time to add some rain, you know to make it more immersive... nope, no weather back in the day. That'll do, that'll do, just reskin the last game and take out all the good stuff. Oh ya! Far Cry 4 didn't have rain either! That explains it! @kenundrum7

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@tdottbot: FC4 was da bomb , stop comparing them.

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Edited By alien33

@tdottbot: Wait, I never played FC4, but FC3 definitely had rain! They removed it?

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@tdottbot: While I agree it looks like a reskin at first glance, I think they made enough changes to make it its own game. I personally do not care about dynamic weather. That you did a little too much I thought, kind of made me laugh a little bit.

The scores so far on GameSpot are unusually missing people scoring it a 1. Most people agree it is a 7-9.

Still, I am tossing around if I will get it, as 60 dollars seems too steep for this one. Maybe I'll wait for a Steam sale.

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Edited By bbq_R0ADK1LL

@kenundrum7@tdottbot: It looks like less rather than more. Weather systems would not be the thing that saves this game but if they went all-out like some of the Skyrim survival mods, then it might have at least been something we hadn't seen in Far Cry before.

Giving any numerical value is going to be highly subjective. Is it a good game? Yeah, probably. Does it innovate or provide any systems that you didn't already play to death in Far Cry 3 & 4? Not much. For some, innovation can make up a big part of how they 'score' a game, for others it's merely a question of how much fun is it? Personally I don't think a reskin of a good game deserves the same high score.

Without having played it myself, to me it looks like the standard Far Cry power trip in a shiny new setting but with more crafting & no guns. What I would have like to see in a new game, not just an "expandalone" like Blood Dragon, it a much more nuanced combat system, more intense survival aspects & a crafting system that's more detailed than simply collect enough of each resource & click to craft.

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Personally I loved the game though I might not have liked it as much if I had played far cry 4. or the last AC. Love the theme of being a caveman leader and uniting a tribe beat down by cannibals and other evil tribes. While there are no weather effects there are day and night cycles where different animals come out at night. The animals are beautiful as well as the different terrains. I'm hooked on the taming aspect, trying to get the best animals for my style of game play. While the story is kind of thin it more than makes up for it in the game play. Solid game all around.

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I'm sorry, I never officially played the game, but from my understanding Ubisoft did it again...No dynamic weather! I'm talking about rain! WTF! Your telling me I'm supposed to get immersed in a outdoor style game with no frickin rain? Wow! Just lazy as usual from one of the worst developers in the industry! I'm not buying this same old crap, I told myself after Watch dogs and assassins crap that these people will never see a dime from me again. STOP REHASHING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN! Honestly, this game should have gotten a 7 or a 6 at best. Graphics aren't everything people! Doesn't matter how you dress up a turd, its still a turd!

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@tdottbot: Yea, graphics aren't everything, but maybe rain is. If it had rain would it have gotten an 8 or 9?

Wait, Watch Dogs had rain. Now I'm confused.

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@kenundrum7: He does kinda make a good point. If its a game centered around the idea of survival then I really cant imagine its going to be all that "Survival-ee - feeling" if the game world has a climate permanently fixed to something like I saw in FC4 or 3. And thats the sort of weather I saw in any videos I have seen of the game.

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@validifyed: Who said it is centered on survival?

This generation like to complain about what is not there, instead of appreciating what is there.

Kind of spoiled.

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@kenundrum7: I should point out that I am not of "this generation". Making assumptions is usually a bad idea online, when you have so little to go on.

I view the game as a whole, and see a re-skin of the far cry engine, with the same radio tower capturing simply renamed, and the same with base capturing and combat.

Yes, I am complaining about what is not there, because what is not there is anything new to the series - a fact that has remained true since FC3.

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@validifyed: Your are not of this generation? You are dead, or are not born yet? While I agree the term does indicate younger people, spoiled is spoiled. First world problems.

If you do not like a game, you do not have to buy it. Belly aching about minor details, like rain, isn't going to change anything. And it wouldn't change this game, except add an annoying element.

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Run & Gun is boring but so is the arrows and melee attacks.

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Good review. However, the game is not without its flaws. Missing is Far Cry 4's "retake a stronghold" option. Once I've completed the game, this means the only option for replay value is to start all over again. Also, I think the tamed beasts are overpowered - there should be a cooldown after you lose one. Instead, the game lets you call a replacement the moment one of your beasts dies. It just makes the game far too easy, especially at the higher levels after you've got a bunch of skills..

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@ianbrettcooper: I remember seeing this before I bought it. On the PC version, you can reset the outposts, and the strongholds.

If you think the tamed beasts are overpowered, don't use them. Or use a Dhole or wolf. I hardly use animals when taking outposts. But I like having them around when I am traveling.

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looks cool, might get it when its on sale on psn, hooked on Divinity orginal sin currently, and I have too many games ATM that I haven't played that are on my hard drive, so many good games out , great time to be a gamer

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hunting sim 2.0

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I would say the mechanics of Far Cry, as it is now, suit this stone-age setting. The game as a game, makes sense. In a modern setting shooting animals, especially rare ones didn't sit quite right. The crafting components, collecting plants ... basically a lot of stuff in a modern setting made little to no sense. But it all comes together in this game because it's the perfect fit for that formula. Only part way into the game, tamed a wolf, but taking my time and enjoying it immensely. Best Far Cry game in a long time...

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Edited By ThaGeorgian

@Fallenlords69: exactly right!

People are just tired of that formula after so many far crys though and while it could use freshening up, im still enjoying primal because it now makes sense to hunt and gather.

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