
Destiny: The Taken King Review

  • First Released Sep 9, 2014
  • PS4
Mike Mahardy on Google+

A New Monarchy.

The Taken King is more than just an expansion; it's also a heart transplant. And with its wounds sewn shut, the anesthetic wearing off, and the scalpels put away to dry, Destiny has pulled through the operation with renewed vigor and a much stronger pulse. Now, only a few scars remain.

Destiny's first year was a collage of peaks and valleys as Bungie released two expansions to its sci-fi multiplayer title. At its best, Destiny comprised a shooter with pristine controls and clever cooperative play. But at its worst, Destiny disrespected my time. To me, the first year of Destiny felt empty. Its gorgeous worlds held promise, but lacked much of a soul. I frequented those static environments because no matter how boring they might have felt, they contained the slim promise of better loot. I continued long past the point of actually having fun.

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Now Playing: Destiny: The Taken King - Video Review

Destiny's newest strikes are among its most creative.
Destiny's newest strikes are among its most creative.

But The Taken King changes things. Now, my time is better spent. Bungie revamped the Light, loot, and experience systems to be more accessible, and provide a more rewarding overall experience. Light is no longer tied to specific armor pieces, but just an average of your gear's overall value. Raising it is necessary for difficult missions, but when it comes to your rank, you can reach the level 40 cap through experience alone. And now that loot scales with your level, the promise of better gear is always on the horizon, encouraging constant improvement and rewarding results.

By decoupling Light and character level, Destiny allows you to play however you want, regardless of which missions you want to play, or how often you want to play them. In Destiny's first year, only certain events were worth pursuing for better gear. But now, much of the loot is out there, somewhere in the solar system, waiting for you to stumble upon it. You can fight through cooperative strikes, explore Mars, or turn in bounties for added experience. You can summon a plethora of challenging bosses in the Court of Oryx, a public event area teeming with Guardians in search of gear.

The Dreadnaught itself, an abandoned ship in the rings of Saturn, is full of secrets, hidden items, quest chains and more. It's an area worth exploring, and sets the stage for The Taken King's exceptional narrative.

Nathan Fillion's Cayde-6 delivers a phenomenal performance.
Nathan Fillion's Cayde-6 delivers a phenomenal performance.

The new story missions follow our Guardians in their fight against Oryx, the Hive king whose looming shadow has darkened things since we killed his son in The Dark Below expansion. These story missions are coherent, providing much needed context to the quests our Guardians embark upon. I always knew the mission objective, and always felt the pull of that final battle with The Taken King at the end of the road.

There's also more character here. The vanguard leaders are more than talking mannequins now, with personalities, motivations, and fears of their own. Nolan North delivers a stellar performance as your Ghost, but its Cayde-6, the Hunter leader, who stands out. Voiced by Nathan Fillion, his sarcasm and sardonic wit are just facades. They slowly give way to doubt and remorse when he learns of a friend's death. For the first time, Destiny transcends archetypes, and shows signs of humanity in its storytelling. It's ironic then, that Cayde-6 isn't human.

Fighting through these story missions is more varied than ever before. It's not just endless shooting at cookie cutter enemies. The Taken are ghostlike clones of Destiny's other enemy factions, which Oryx has absorbed into his own army, creating a force with a wide array of abilities and attacks. Fallen captains blind you, Cabal scions split into triplets, and Vex goblins shield their allies, forcing you to aim for one specific grunt at a time. Destiny's combat is more dynamic now, and more versatile than the skirmishes of its first year.

Strike bosses in The Taken King follow suit, and require teamwork and tactics to defeat. Among the best is The Restorative Mind. This Vex boss hidden in the depths of Venus is more than just a bullet sponge, and constant motion is the only way to lower its defenses. You'll need to drain its shield, protect your teammates, and fight through clusters of Vex in a ring-shaped arena. All of this is done on the AI's terms, though, as the boss rotates an impassable force field around the room, dictating the flow of combat and forcing snap decisions.

The Taken King transcends archetypes, and shows signs of humanity in its storytelling.

Bungie added even more variety to combat with the new subclasses, which change how I approach certain situations. Take my Hunter's Nightstalker option, for instance. By firing my bow into a cluster of enemies, I tether them together, marking a prime target for my Titan friend's Hammer of Sol, or the Warlock's chain lightning. It also makes every shot a critical hit, so using it at the right moment, on the right enemies, is part of the decision process. The subclasses don't just open new possibilities for character loadouts, but also encourage experimentation in cooperative matches.

The same rings true in the Crucible, Destiny's PvP arena. The subclasses aren't as balanced here--I reverted back to my Hunter's Golden Gun when the new subclass failed to produce--but they still alter the flow of combat on each new map. And these are among Bungie's best arenas, with varied sightlines and verticalities, offering hectic clash points amid the firefights. Once again, the developer has proven its prowess with multiplayer level design.

And when you've gathered enough powerful gear, equipped your best weapons, and tailored your subclass to cooperative perfection, there's the new raid. It's called King's Fall, and it's the most expansive in Destiny to date. It begins on a sour note, with ill-advised first-person platforming that appears farther in as well. But everything else gathers speed. The checkpoints all require careful teamwork, and the bosses are some of the most creative Bungie has ever designed.

Golgoroth is a prime example. On our tenth try, when muscle memory guided us through the fight's necessary tactics, this hulking ogre had a sliver of health left. We were almost through. And the moment before he died, when all six of us threw caution to the wind and unloaded everything we had, despite the Taken minions surrounding us--this is Destiny at its finest. Careful planning gave way to satisfying victory. And I don't want to spoil too much about the trek's latter stages, but its final boss, both in size and scope, is colossal. He's a fitting end to Destiny's most dynamic raid yet.

The Hunter's Nightstalker subclass creates useful tethers for cooperative situations.
The Hunter's Nightstalker subclass creates useful tethers for cooperative situations.

But despite all of the improvements to Destiny's systems, all of the new content in place with The Taken King, and all of the heart that's gone into its compelling storyline, remnants of Destiny's hollow past still endure.

After 16 hours with the expansion, the grind began. At first, I didn't mind. The Taken King excels by granting you gear through hard work rather than luck. But I played the same strikes five times over, day in and day out. I trudged through the Dreadnaught for hours on end. I completed similar bounties throughout the week, and didn't see many variations throughout 35 hours with The Taken King.

The king himself.
The king himself.

For a game that requires so much grinding, it still doesn't have the breadth of content to support the repetition required. The promise of better loot is the driving force, but the journey there is taxing. Quests are interesting only for a time, until they once again become long lists of cloying chores.

But The Taken King still deserves ample praise. It not only grants us new content, but reinvigorates a game that needed new life. In one of The Taken King's early story missions, you'll come across the remains of Destiny's first strike boss. He's right where you left him, surrounded by his own robotic innards, the life long gone from his dormant shell.

"Remember when Sepiks Prime was our biggest problem?" Ghost asks us. And like the Guardians who killed that boss, Destiny has since moved on. There are still traces of its mediocre first year, but it's now more vital, and more promising, and it has left much of its past behind.

Mike Mahardy on Google+
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The Good

  • Excellent story, with outstanding voice acting, characterization, and cutscenes
  • Varied enemies result in more dynamic combat
  • New progression systems create a consistently rewarding experience
  • Quest log contains numerous paths to follow between strikes and story content

The Bad

  • Game becomes repetitive after 15 hours, and not much variety to support the late-game grind
  • Many quests are still taxing, with chore lists and boring objectives to complete

About the Author

Mike's hunter reached level 40 within 15 minutes of starting The Taken King. 35 hours later, he's now at Light level 296.
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I want to play the TK with my friends, I own Destiny so I only need to purchase the TK DLC right

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@razik: Nope. You have to purchase all 3 expansions if you don't own the first two already.

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@bdrtfm: You don't have to purchase the other two expansions. They all come with the Taken King, including the base game.

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@jedbal91: Yeah, if you want to buy the base game over again with the legendary edition, but you still pay full price so....I think what he wanted to do was buy the $40 expansion alone. You can't do that unless you already have the first 2 expansions.

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@bdrtfm: So it will cost me €80 screw that he can play it by himself

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@razik: The Taken King includes the base Destiny game, both DLC and the Taken King for the boxed price of £40.

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@jedbal91: You're thinking of the Legendary Edition. TTK is just that, TTK, for $40.

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So I have to buy Destiny again and where I live its €80

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@razik: If you want to upgrade, you can just get the legendary edition which bundles in all the DLC and the taken king for £40.

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@jdp117: I don't think that's correct. You can get it for $40 (USD), but that's ONLY for The Taken King. You don't get any DLC for that price. You have to pay $60 to get Exp I and Exp II and TTK. But, that also includes the original game.

Unless you're saying that 40 GBP is truly the price for what we are being charged $60 for here in the US. I thought you were still being charged 60 GBP over there for that. But, I do understand that 40 GBP does roughly equal 60 USD.

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Thats €55 plus delivery about €60, I'll buy Mad Max instead

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Fair score.

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Edited By spartanx169x

People might want to read some of the negative reviews on meta critic to get a full picture of this . There are a few that make valid points to be aware of.

One Example - "And this is where the wheels really fall off the bus because the amount of recycled content used in this $40 expansion is nothing short of pathetic. During the main story alone, we’re sent through multiple pieces of old content rehashed; for example, being forced to run Chamber of Night backwards yet again. The front half of the raid from Dark Below is reused, as is the front half of Vault of Glass (again) in a secondary story arc line. There is even one mission where you literally do the exact same thing in the exact same place as the final boss fight in House of Wolves main story line – and Ghost even makes a direct comment about fighting in the same place. Quest chains with year old patrol missions as critical steps, running old missions backwards yet again… It’s almost as if Bungie is TRYING to troll people."

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Edited By DhracoX

@spartanx169x: not that I am trying to justify "recycling/reusing old content" but the times we revisit those places in TTK have a lot more purpose than those in let us say HoW. In HoW we did the back to front in Venus for no real "inmersive/thematic" purpose... in the TTK, the Chamber of night back to front, the Crota's raid part and the quest in the VoG were very fitting and interesting moments... I dont think the reuse of content is terrible if it is well done. Now, if we talk about how it should or should not affect the price then yes, thats a whole new conversation.... xD

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@spartanx169x: People might also want to read positive reviews on Metacritic too. There are a few that make valid points to me aware of.

One Example - "Bungie has done a lot of work to go back and overhaul their game to make it a more coherent and enjoyable experience from level 1 through to level 40. Unfortunately focusing on old content means that the new content in this expansion is not as large as I would have liked it to be. Don't get me wrong there is lots of stuff there. Brand new enemies and classes add new and exciting combat mechanics. With enemies that split in half or blast you with shields the dynamic of PVE changes and I'm excited to see what the new strike and raid bosses have in store. The new PVP modes and maps change up the competitive play as well giving me incentive to go back with my clan mates to bust skulls.

Folks are going to complain about lack of content and to some extent they are correct. Does that mean Taken King deserves that 1 or 0 on Metacritic? Absolutely not. The game is mechanically fantastic and the new additions are well thought out and implemented. Bungie actively listens to its player base and trys to make their requests happen and for that I applaud them. Veterans of the game will love this expansion and folks who have hated it will continue to hate. For those of you new to the game this is a great time to jump in and is a steal if you are buying it all in a bundle. If you haven't played it yet I highly recommend you try it out."

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Edited By spartanx169x

@jedbal91: the good points are already noted in the review above. Is it not obvious to you.

-Excellent story, with outstanding voice acting, characterization, and cutscenesVaried enemies result in more dynamic combatNew progression systems create a consistently rewarding experienceQuest log contains numerous paths to follow between strikes and story content

did you somehow miss this?

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Edited By jdp117

@spartanx169x: I also hate the fact that Year One content has now become completely irrelevant. The gear you get from high end Year one PvE events such as Vault of Glass or Prison of Elders will be redundant in comparison to Year Two gear. Also, Bungie have effectively exiled a chunk of players who are yet to upgrade to TTK, by making pretty much everything in the tower require you to be level 40 to purchase. There's no doubt that TTK is an improvement over the original game, but there's still so much left to be desired.

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mogan  Moderator

@jdp117: I'll bet the old raids and PoE don't stay pointless for long. I wont be shocked if another DLC adds a harder, max level mode to those, where you can find gear with high end numbers again. That'd be a real MMO move.

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Expansion becomes a better score than the main game. Damn, must be good then.

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Edited By mogan  Moderator

@Acillatem1993: It's certainly the best Destiny yet, but like the other guy said, different reviewers. If you already don't like Destiny, The Taken King probably wont bring you around. It's a better version of the same thing.

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@Acillatem1993: Different reviewer also plays into that.

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If I could buy it used I'd get it, but I no longer support this game.

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Edited By ccusick

@jdkillustration: Sony lets you buy and sell used games... But publishers do a very good job of making that irrelevant with the requirement of online codes to play the "online content." Making money is job 1.

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