
Anthem Review - Two Halves

  • First Released Feb 15, 2019
  • PC
  • XONE

Stronger alone.

Launching upward off a jungle floor and bursting through a thick canopy of trees, bobbing and weaving your way under a waterfall as you take in the lush landscape below you, is one of the highlights of Anthem. Flight, in these moments, is freeing, serene and exhilarating all at once. But you will eventually have to come back down to earth. When you don't have a means to cool down in the air, you have to interrupt your flight to cool off on the ground--or else your suit will overheat and send you careening downward much more violently. This is what Anthem is like as a whole: a game where promising moments are bookended by frustration, where good ideas are undone before they can be fully realized.

It can take a while to warm up to Anthem in the first place. In its intro mission, you are a rookie Freelancer--a hero type who battles threats to humanity in mechanized combat suits called javelins. But that brief mission ends in failure, and after a two-year time skip, you're now an experienced Freelancer. As a result, everyone talks to you as if you know everything about the world, even though much of the game's space-fantasy jargon is explained only in codex entries. "Shapers," "Arcanists," to "silence" this or that "relic"--all the dialogue is structured as if you already know what all these things are, so there's not even an element of mystery to it. It's just hard to follow.

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The story and overall worldbuilding do a great disservice to the characters, which have elements of what you might think of as BioWare's pedigree. The main cast is well-acted and genuine, with complicated emotions and motivations that might have been interesting had they been given time to grow. Two characters are mad at you for the events of the tutorial, even though it's never quite clear why; that bad blood spills over into your relationship with your current partner-in-Freelancing, Owen, and there's enough believable awkwardness there to make you almost feel bad for him. But because the narrative is so poorly set up, the drama feels unearned, the "emotional" reveals robbed of their impact, and any connection you might have had to the characters just out of reach.

Exacerbating all of this is Anthem's loot game core, which is simple on paper. After every mission, you return to your base of operations, Fort Tarsis, to talk to people, get new missions, and tinker with your javelins using the loot you picked up from the previous mission. Missions themselves almost universally involve some quick narrative setup followed by flying, completing routine tasks, and plenty of combat (with more brief plot-related stuff thrown in via radio chatter).

But this general structure doesn't work well in practice. You're told up front that playing Anthem with others is the best way to play and that you'll get better rewards in a group, but this means asking your friends to be quiet every few minutes so you can hear a bit of dialogue or to wait patiently while you tweak your loadout. Playing solo is better if you want to take your time and talk to different characters, but doing so can make missions more difficult or tedious. Matchmaking with random people is the best option, since you'll have people with you for grindy parts but will leave you alone for the story--but even then, it's easy to lose track of what's going on, especially if someone in your team is ahead of you and triggering dialogue early.

And no matter what, you'll have to return to Fort Tarsis after each expedition, which makes for choppy pacing in both the story and the gameplay. There's no way to change your loadout on the go and no way to just continue on to another mission right away, and there are currently a number of loading screens in between leaving and returning to Fort Tarsis. It's hard to really get into any kind of flow.

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When I finally took the time to talk to NPCs in between missions, I found endearing characters and brief but interesting bits of story spread between them. There's one girl who just loves animals no matter how dangerous, and she'll happily tell you all about them; there's the oldest man in Fort Tarsis, who admits to doing some shady things to earn that title; there's an old woman whose daughter has been missing for years and might just need some kindness. Though it took some patience to do it, I was glad I stopped to listen to them.

Throughout all of this, combat is the main thing keeping Anthem afloat. There are four types of javelins--Ranger, Storm, Interceptor, and Colossus--that are essentially a soldier, mage, assassin, and tank, respectively. Each plays differently, with a different pool of abilities, and you aren't locked into the one you start with; you unlock them as you level up. That, combined with a handful of new weapons and abilities after each mission, means that you're almost always experimenting with new loadouts and playstyles.

I initially picked the Ranger, thinking it would be a good all-around class while I was learning the basics. But the guns alone aren't enough to make Anthem combat's exciting; I found a lot of the weapons, especially shotguns, to feel ineffectual. The Ranger's abilities are pretty straightforward, too--you get grenades and missiles and the like--which left me largely unimpressed with combat in the beginning. But then I unlocked the speedy Interceptor, whose gymnastic jumps and swift melee strikes are incredibly satisfying, and I started to get excited about trying new things in each successive mission.

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The Storm javelin became my favorite, though, because it both has interesting elemental abilities and can hover for minutes, not seconds, at a time before overheating. Its assortment of powers lends itself well to getting combos, which result in a satisfying explosion of sorts and a more chaotic battlefield. But more importantly, it's the only javelin that doesn't require frequent stops on the ground, and as a result it provides the most dynamic combat--you can go from shooting basic enemies in a hallway to floating above the battlefield, raining down lightning to wipe out five at once while scoping out the area for your team.

Generally, all of the javelins can easily jet out of sticky situations in a pinch or briefly hover in the air to gain the upper hand, and combining movement with your abilities is consistently a good time. But when fighting titans and certain other bosses, there's a catch; a lot of them use fire attacks that overheat your suit and ground you instantly, robbing the fight of much of what makes combat interesting. You can still use your abilities, but they don't do much in these fights, and they fall flat compared to the often bombastic impact they have on regular enemies. This extends to the final fight, which is especially underwhelming.

The endgame thus far is to complete high numbers of the various mission types, which amounts to repeating many individual missions. The draw is better gear, but without compelling high-level fights, you don't have anything to build toward with all that grinding. A post-credits cutscene has the most intriguing plot point in the game and serves as a preview of what might come later on--but right now it's just a promise, rather than a true incentive to keep going.

It's worth noting that the early access period saw a number of technical hiccups. Dropped audio, server issues, long loading times, missions not registering as complete--I didn't have a single session without some sort of problem. A day-one patch aims to iron much of this out, but overall, the poor structure and pacing are a more frustrating problem. [Editor's note: We have now tried Anthem on PS4 Pro, Xbox One, and Xbox One X. The Pro and X versions generally run decently, with some technical hiccups and occasional frame rate drops, while we encountered more stuttering and strain on the standard Xbox One.]

Anthem has good ideas, but it struggles significantly with the execution. It's a co-op game that works best with no one talking; it buries genuinely interesting character moments and puts its most incomprehensible story bits at the forefront; its combat is exciting until you get to the boss fights and find your wings have been clipped. Even the simple, exhilarating act of flying is frequently interrupted by the limitations of your javelin, and you never quite shake that feeling of disappointment--of knowing, throughout the good parts of Anthem, that you'll inevitably come crashing back down.

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The Good

  • Flying is exhilarating, and the views are beautiful
  • Experimenting with new loadouts each mission keeps combat fun and satisfying
  • Some side characters and their stories are endearing and interesting

The Bad

  • You're frequently forced to land or stay on the ground
  • The main story is incredibly difficult to follow
  • Playing with others causes pacing issues, while playing solo can be tedious
  • Boss fights are underwhelming and lack the excitement found in other combat situations

About the Author

Kallie played Anthem for 27 hours during the Origin Access Premier pre-release period on PC. She also played for a few hours on a PS4 Pro, with Xbox One and Xbox One X testing by other GameSpot staff. Review code was provided by EA.
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Wow a 6?!?! When destiny 2 got an 8? This person obviously didn’t complete the campaign because the story grows on you the further you get into it and so do the characters. I’m not a fanboy of any means but I know a good game when I play it and this here is a good game worth an 8 out of 10. Gamespot journalism has got to get their shit together.

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@jaybass: the general consensus is that this game is about a 6. Critics and youtubers all seem to be in agreement that this game is just another mediocre looter shooter that had some good ideas, but never capitalized on them.

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Edited By JustPlainLucas

@jaybass: 65 on metacritic. 9 mixed reviews so far. It's not JUST GS that thinks this....

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@JustPlainLucas: I guess I’ll have to play the endgame to see what they are seeing.

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@jaybass: From all the reviews I've read and videos I've watched, it sounds like the endgame is the reason why the game is getting average scores. Sounds very monotonous, tedious, grindy and boring.

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@jaybass: Dude the main story is balls, this game is so unfinished you have no idea, its like mass effect Andromeda all over again, the cut-scenes even showed my hollow face and eye sockets from behind, the only thing good is the gameplay... nothing else.

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Well written review.

As to the game: NNNNNOPE.

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When you do what everyone else does without the experience of looter shooters this is the result. wrong company to build this game.

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ehh, another live-service, looter-shooter lackluster game. These games make money but man, there so uninspiring. If your into these games, all the power to you I guess... This could be the end of Bioware but I hope not. If somehow magically they can go back to their roots at least somewhat and make a new Dragon Age, they have a shimmer of hope.

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Edited By kargion

I am reallly enjoying the game it is alot of fun. Load screens are a killer and need some QOL changes but overall really fun.

"The main story is incredibly difficult to follow" -- um it was as straight forward as it gets, a bit dull, but not hard to follow.

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@kargion: Tell me, what is the dominion, who is the emperor, what is the world called? I guess were in bastion, but the mirelands and antium and heliost wtf are they??? seriously the world building is bollocks I tell you, it had so much potential.....

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Edited By peterhorner1867

I played for half an hour via ea access. I was completely bored running around shooting things whilst trying to learn the control system whilst having non-stop chatter over a radio that I couldn't follow.

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Edited By ccgod

@peterhorner1867: So you played the intro mission? lol sounds like you're just bad at games

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Avatar image for Angel_Belial


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Thank you for your honest review, Kallie. I've been playing Anthem on PC over the past week (EA Premier early access), and though enjoying the game agree with the points you make. As a long-time gamer and Bioware fan, it's disheartening to know Anthem will be many people's first game by this company.

I do like the colour customization on the javelins, and the outside world, wildlife and music are really well done. However, I agree the story is hard to follow outside Fort Tarsis, and I found most characters and dialogue options underwhelming at best and infuriating at worst (no option to punch Neeson Giles).

Actual gameplay in the javelins is fun, but on the flip-side the AI is bad and there is very little variety in missions. I've logged over 20 hours in the game and have also run into quite a few bugs while playing.

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@Angel_Belial: that is a sad thought. I cant even get some of my friends who are long time bioware fans to try out kotor, simply because it looks dated. I find this game, and others like it like DA:O, are timeless because of their focus on story, choice, and consequence.

It feels like every bioware game since me3's ending has been a disappointment, and ever more gradually.

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@ditronus: Yeah, for me the Mass Effect trilogy (forgetting the last 10 minutes of ME3!) delivered one of the best experiences I've ever had in gaming. Bioware's magic was in their stories and characters, and their way of making you as a player feel so immersed in each game's world.

I just recently went back and played DA:O and felt incredibly involved with the characters. It's a single-player game, but I never once felt alone.

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OldDadGamer  Moderator

@Angel_Belial: Dude, after many, many years of being a bioware fan you finally summed up why I love them: single player game, but never feeling alone.

Indeed, in those games, I think I felt less alone than I feel in some multi-players.

Well said, dude.

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All I can say is "I TOLD YOU SO" ha ha ha ha

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i heard that almost none of the original Bioware team members currently works there, most employees currently working for Bioware are inexperienced new people and interns...

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They took 5 years to make Anthem, and the release is just a big mess. Makes you wonder what Bioware did in those 5 years! Sleeping on the job?

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@investor9872: This game is made by former interns and a new staff employeed by EA, the original Bioware staff left the company years ago as soon as pre-production for this game was finished, or at least that's what i read in an article a couple of months back, shouldn't be hard to find information about that tho.

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@Dragerdeifrit: Hudson has been with Buoware for a long time, having big credits behind some of their older, best games.

I don't know how anthem flew past him and got a pass.

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@ditronus: "WHudson has been with Buoware for a long time, having big credits behind some of their older, best games." Also the main responsible for ME3... so... all credit lost... in fact the credit is on negative numbers...

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Edited By rudra07

@ditronus: it got a pass simply because EA told them to do a looter shooter. With Casey or anybody else at the helm, this game was going to be a thing, period.

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I love it when I get a feeling about a game and it is supported by the "experts."

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Edited By MakiHashimoto

The new game review video slide slow a cheap joke.

I've seen Kallie for years do excellent work on and off camera so no idea why she cant do a narration or have someone fill in for her etc. Undermines a 2019 review which will be viewed on multimedia.

Beyond that an average review which covers the main issues but fails to add anything new to the conversation. More detail be nice. in future.

To not mention microtransactions on an EA game with an in game store etc is a little slack...or ? I don't wish to be rude but I don't know how it doesn't come up in a review of a £$100 game.

Also Fort T issues and maybe how it fails to match the e3 demo many of us might have been expecting after it was claimed as actual footage etc. that's my personal bug bear lol

Any of this stuff on top of your general summary would have helped us see how you came to the score you choose...though I think your score is spot on....gamespot on lol (sorry).

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@makihashimoto: Hi! As the microtransactions are cosmetic, it's not something that really relates to the review--it's purely a personal choice whether you want to spend money on those things or not.

As for the videos, the quick reviews are just part of the picture--we also have a full-length (20 minutes) video review that's now embedded toward the bottom of the review. I give even more details and answer reader questions in that video, so hopefully that's more what you're looking for! That kind of video just takes a little more time.

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@makihashimoto: I think if you read the review that'll help...they will be providing a full video review later on.

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Edited By ZmanBarzel

@makihashimoto: "Undermines a 2019 review which will be viewed on multimedia."

Actually, no, thanks to the vast majority of people who watch video on Facebook/social media without sound, this is actually what most people want: a video that can be understood silently.

They turn out this quick video review for that purpose, and later will create a longer, more elaborate version with narration. I forget which game they just did that for recently. "Far Cry New Dawn," maybe?

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Edited By Dragerdeifrit

i finished the game last night, i enjoyed my first 3-5 hours, but by the end, i just wanted to get done with it a go back to play other games on my backlog, but regadless of the amount of subjetive fun i had with it, the game just doesn't work in any front objetively speaking, everything in the game Including the story it's just way too safe and bland... the game is afraid to adopt any kind personality.

The controls and movement is the only "achievement" that could make this game redeemable, imho. The 6 score seems fair, i would give it a 4 or 5 for the simple fact that this game comes from a AAA developer and one of the biggest publishers out there (financialy speaking) and the game is plagued by technical problems and connection related issues. i'd give it a 6 without all graphical issues and better loading times, connection issues i'm willing to forgive since no game launch is flawless.

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@Dragerdeifrit: I would say that your score rating for Anthem is more than fair, a bit generous even.

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Edited By Dragerdeifrit

@investor9872: Well, just a bit generous, i love any kind mech suits or giant robots... so i'm probably a bit biased towards games that feature them. i wouldn't have bought this game otherwise to be honest. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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I am glad I get to test it out as an member of EA Game pass as I look at this format as an big demo program. However I am not going to dog the game as I had not played it yet. As usual different people, different experience. Not everyone going to have an bad or good time with the game for it depends on what your expectations are. If you feel it is not worth the money right now just wait for an sale and believe me there will be one.

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Edited By MakiHashimoto

@lonewolf1044: no offense but that's garbage thinking. If a game is broken or incomplete or has some massive issue then everyone will share that misery in the same way we all share the burden of the launch cost.

Feel??? lol what good is a feeling haha

We don't run the world on a feeling (sadly) we run it on facts and figures and experience like the review above. A trained professional sat down and wrote a review on the game to help people who haven't played it to spend their money with informed decision.

Yes you can buy blind but then why are you here? Ofcourse we're all here to see if its any good.

I have access to it and can say its ok but pretty rough right now . If asked id say wait if you "feel" it might be a game you might like (that's a personal feeling based on your past experiences with genres) because right now you'll get the worst possible experience with this game while later on you'll likely have a better experience due to fixes and progress or even price drop.

Don't go by feelings, go by research and facts. Research will currently tell you that the fact is the game is unfinished by any normal standard but don't believe me go research it or read the review above haha

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@makihashimoto: You may think it's Garbage thinking I do not for if what you say about the game is true many still go out and buy it. I do not preorder games especially not from EA. You can only speak for yourself, also as far as feelings go one can do research and feel it is not worth the money which I was saying maybe not directly. I also have access to the game through EA Access and I have yet to play it. I am not saying it is the greatest game but as said I am not going to dog it because I have not played it yet. As said not everybody is going to experience it the same unless it is bug ridden.

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These new short from review videos are not enjoyable or valuable. It's just random gameplay that doesn't add to the snippest provided.

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@SaurabhAV: Hey! So those quick reviews are mostly geared toward social. We're experimenting with a two-part video review system, with the second part being an in-depth discussion and breakdown of the review plus answers to audience questions. That just takes a bit more time, so it wasn't up until today. That video is now embedded at the bottom of the review and will be on YouTube shortly too!

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@SaurabhAV: Reading the review provides a pretty succinct understanding of her point of view...

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No matter who writes the review, they always get trashed in the comments hehehe. Love how everyone apparently would do a better job at reviewing a game (can someone even do it wrong? I mean being subjective reviews attached to only 1 person I cannot see someone doing it wrong). She didnt like it and we get it. Write your review and that´s it. No bitching.

That said, why are we getting so many reviews if the game is not out officially. They do the review and it ends, "wait for the extended review". What extended review? You mean original review?

Im anxious but this mthfckrs that need to do it sooner than when the time is right are in a whole different level of anxiety.

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@bignoli: The "extended review" in the video refers to a longer video review we're testing out--it's now embedded toward the bottom of the review and will be on YouTube soon too. This one is 20 minutes long (!!!) and we go really in-depth with things as well as answer reader questions. I'd love to know what you think of that video!

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@kallie:First of all, thank you for the follow up on my comment. I will check the extended video as you advise, however I now have 3-4 days of gameplay on my own back and think it is pretty sick of a game.

I had no issues of getting disconnected aside of it happening only 2 times in 4 days. I did see some of my friends getting disconnected biut not as much as you guys who tried it pre official launch.

Graphics and controls are easy fun and well done for users (at least on PS4).

I love the fact that the instructions on gameplay are not obvios. They give indicators for everything but it is not as obvious as other games. Love that, as it makes me dig more into it.

Don´t like how much talking their is in the base, but I can live with it I guess.

I would not give it a 6 in my own experience but as said before, opinion cannot be wrong when it comes to games. Each one to their tastes.

I think you can have more fun and enjoy it more Kallie. Although I don´t have the reach to as many games as you have and maybe that changes your way of seeing games. Might happen to me if I had that reach I guess.

Have an amazing week!

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@bignoli: It is officially out!!! Idiots keep saying this and i get why theyre all so bloody confused as EA is so bloody greedy they are now doing staggered releases which has been a disaster btw . The game was sold to people at full price on pc and xbox a few days ago and thats their launch copy. Then there will be a ps4 launch day with the first big patch and then many other days for other patches and even other consoles etc maybe. All these days outside beta and demo are official if people have paid for the finished product or as finished as it will ever be as in year it will still be unfinished by design.

All these reviews and extended and update are 100% a problem but the are not the problem but a symptom of the cancer of EA and the aaa industry which is putting journalists in impossible situations.

I feel sorry for them.

Also in the case of anthem its not just a case of Kallie or a b c didnt like Anthem. Anthem has serious technical issues and serious grind QOL variety and end game troubles. The game has structural issues as well and none of this is about liking the game , its about a project rushed to launch. If any book film food porn music car ...any product but games launches with similar problems the product be dead on arrival and massive outcry...a car without wheels...a book without an end...a film without the music yet but a promise for a patch next week lol

No it's not ok and its not about personal opinion as much as facts.

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6 for Anthem, 6 for Far Cry, 5 for Crackdown. Tough month for games.

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Ehh not my type of game anyways

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To each their own. Wife and I played the demo and had a blast, we can't wait to play this weekend. There was a huge "codex" that explained everything which is good. I rather that then them spoon feed everything like you're a toddler. In the game you are supposed to be someone "in the know" enough at the start, it wouldn't make sense for them to talk as if you haven't lived in the world for your entire life.

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but sometimes opinions can be wrong. 1. the complaint on landing constantly doesn't take into consideration that you cool your jets when you fly close to water or waterfalls. 2. Her complaints on the story being hard to follow seems a little misguided, considering she is complaining about things that are explained, so i'm a little confused by her confusion. 3. Pacing issues with playing with others?(if you're priming and detonating and cooperating as a team, everything is fine... maybe find better teammates). 4. boss battles being underwhelming, okay I can see this, they're a little underwhelming. All in all, this game is probably a 7/7.5, and if everyone remembers, that's exactly what destiny got. I also heard on ign that the campaign gets going around the midway point, so that's kinda exciting. This game does a lot of things better than Destiny, minus multiplayer. 7.5 would be a fair/accurate score

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Edited By Fedor

@darks88: Imagine whining as much as you.

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Hopefully, later patches would allow this game to shine. Remember that Destiny initially had a rating this low as well. That being said, I'll wait until this gets to the $30-35 range with game boosting patches than pay $60 for a day one broken experience.

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@ZombieVirolina: The difference is that Destiny 1 came out 4 years ago.

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