If you enjoyed the Umbrella Chronicles, you'll love this.

User Rating: 8.5 | BioHazard: The Darkside Chronicles WII
Hey, gamespotters, it's me, here to write a reveiw of Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. (REDS for short.) I hope this reveiw is helpful to you.

Graphics: Very good, they are better than some xbox and PS3 games. The environments are suitably dark and gritty, but they also manage to remain varied. The character models for everything all run very smoothly, but during the actual game I do notice lip synching issues. The zombies in particular, feel much more organic this time around. 9/ 10

Sound: The zombies sound kinda dumb in this one, with cheesy moans. However, everything else sounds good and as it should. The voice acting is decent, the guns sound as they should and the music fits the game. 8/ 10

Story: The story follows 2 past RE scenarios and one all new one that gives us insight into what Leon was doing in the times between RE2 and also why Krauser was the way he was in RE4. I liked the scenarios in this one a little better than in REUC, due to the movie- esque plots of them. The new scenario also fits in very nicley with the rest of the series. 9/ 10

Gameplay: The core gameplay remains largley unchanged from the Umbrella Chronicles. However, threre are a few new tweeks that maked it better. First, you hold green herbs for when you actually need them. Also, you assign guns to arrows on the d- pad. This makes the game play much more smoothly. One major change, however, is the camera. You now see exaclty what the characters see, resulting in a more immersive experience. Many people complain about it, but I rather liked it. There are a few times, though, where it makes it difficult to line up a shot. Oh, yeah, headshots have a much larger hit zone this time around, so it's much easier to get high scores. The levels themselves are also fun, filled with zombie blasting action, usually ending with an epic boss. Many people complain about how there is no innovation. Let's be honest; it's a game about having fun blasting zombies and other mutated freaks. There is really nothing else that you need. Plus, if you're a fan, this is a way to experience classic games in new ways. 8/ 10

Rent or buy: If you are unsure about this game, rent it first. If you're a fan of light gun games or Resident Evil, buy it. If you're looking for a deep, multi part game with an outstanding story and awardwinning innovatoin, look elsewhere.
There you have it. I overall liked the game alot. So long and thanks for reading.