Umm...let's try this again....

User Rating: 6 | BioHazard Outbreak (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
Capcom's first jump into the online Resident Evil world had a lot of hype going into it. And to say the least, this game did NOT live up to the hype. Sure, the offline mode is fun, and the new control scheme and interactions were fun...but the gameplay was just not there. Sure, you could turn into a zombie if you got infected, but I got so frustrated with the lack of communication and the LAG of the game that I would find myself quitting the game less than 15 minutes into a playthrough of any online map. Not enough people played this game...and the people who did play the game either didn't know what they were doing(like me) or were just as frustrated. A very disappointing game...let's hope that Capcom can right the ship and come out with a great next-gen Resident Evil online game.