A terrific game that has a great story and amazing graphics.

User Rating: 9.5 | BioHazard: Code Veronica (Limited Edition) DC
"Resident Evil Code: Veronica'' is one of the best video games ever made. It may take 20 to 40 hours to complete because you have to explore mansions, military facilties, underground chambers and other venues, and the second half of he game is nearly impossible to beat. You start the game in the character of Claire Redfield from Resident Evil 2. She has been captured and jailed on Rockfort Island. As the game begins, you are released from your jail cell when the island comes under attack. You try to find a way to escape along with Steve Burnside. You make your way by plane to a derelict base in Antarctica and switch characters, playing the rest of the game as Claire's brother, Chris. This game is great in gameplay except in the shooting section because you have to stand completely still in order to shoot at your enemies. The camera can be one long boss battle but you'll get used to it after playing into the game. One thing that stinks about this game is the extreme difficulty in some battles. They are so hard that you're going to need a Gameshark disc and walkthrough to help you. The graphics, however, are terrific, especially in the FMVs. The cutscenes finally have characters moving their mouths and not using body language when talking with a closed mouth. Sound is great in music, background noises, zombie moans, monster screams, and the sound of weapons. Voice acting is good with Claire sounding much better than she did in RE2 and Chris delivering good voice work. Sadly, all the villians (The Ashford twins, Wesker) sound laughably bad, but not as bad as RE1. Steve sounds annoying at first, but his voice tone gets better and his character becomes more likable. After beating the game, all you get is a Battle Game, which isn't much but it still is a little bit of fun. Overall this game is a 10 because its story is terrific. Anyone with a Dreamcast must buy this game.