Resident Evil 4 is a FANTASTIC video game which leaves me puzzled as to why I do not own it yet.

User Rating: 9.8 | BioHazard 4 GC
Wow. Where do I begin? Let's start at how this game plays out.

Resident Evil 4 is a third person survival horror shooter game. You play the role of Leon Kennedy, and you're on a mission; a mission to save the president's daughter. Along the way you'll be encountered by villagers and monks (the enemies) infected with "Las Plagas", a sort of parasitic bug that takes over your body. Let's get started down to the main bulk of this review.


Wow, this is some of the best fun I've had in a long, long time. There's just something about shooting the heads off zombies with a Magnum Butterfly, or slicing up that boss with your knife; it just feels great. You, being Leon Kennedy, have a view of his back, which quickly changes to an over-the-shoulder camera perspective when you get ready to blast the head off of something. This game is filled with tricks, scares, and chills. What makes the Gameplay even nicer is interactive cutscenes. You can't put the controller down, folks. You will have to press certain button commands during cut-scenes, or face certain death. This game makes you feel like a badass. The bosses are enormous, the environments are very well designed, and that makes the feel of the game all the more creepy.


Again, just, wow. These are definitely the best graphics the GameCube has to offer. You will be scared to death by these monsters. The lighting effects are so..SO creepy, you sometimes need to take a break from this game. This game is definitely gory. Scenes of beheading and impalement litter this game all over the place. The environments are well designed, makes you feel like these places do exist. These graphics are simply breathtaking.


If you have the option to play this game without sound, don't. Capcom did an excellent job with the sounds of guns firing, chainsaws, um..sawing, and explosives exploding. All of the zombies in this game speak Spanish, which leaves you wondering what they say, unless of course, you speak Spanish. I speak a little, LITTLE bit, so I understood some of the phrases such as "Kill.....Kill..." and "He's over here!", but mostly, I couldn't understand. The voice acting in this game is what's keeping me from giving the sound a 10. It's cheesy at times. Phrases like "Don't worry Ashley! I'm coming for ya!" and "I see the president has equipped his daughter with...ballistics" doesn't exactly make you feel very into the game.


This game is worth it at 50 dollars.
This game is worth it at 20 dollars.
This game is worth it at 100 dollars.
This game is You have to play this game. You will not regret it.

I've currently played through the game 2 and a half times, because I've rented it five times. Why I haven't bought this is beyond me. I want to buy this game so bad, but I must save up for other things. This game has tons of replay, because of unlockables such as an infinite rocket launcher and the chicago typewriter. It's just plain fun.

All in all, this is definitely 2005's Game of the Year. Play this game, do not skip it. You'll thank yourself later.

If you're the one person that actually read that whole thing, thanks.