Ubisoft rights the wrongs with this rebooting of the Wii launch title

User Rating: 8.5 | Red Steel 2 WII
Red Steel 2 is absolutely an "A product." It's clear that the development team wanted to right the wrongs of the original game and produced an all new design with controls that actually work. There are still some issues, both in game balance as well as wishy-washy motion sensing control, but the awesome style and energetic gameplay are enough to make this one of the top titles on Wii.

Presesntation: The original style and story is something that can't be missed. There are tons of control options to tweak to suit your style 8.5/10

Graphics: Awesome visuals, running at 60 frames per second. Some of the best seen on the Wii -- passerbys may confuse it for a 360 or PS3 game.9.5/10

Sound: The atmospheric soundtrack is awesome. Voice acting is appropriately cheesy but it's the music that's king here 9/10

Gameplay: The game runs into some issues of misreading some motions, but for the most part we're looking at one energetic action game

Lasting Apeal: It's not super long but it's an appropriate dozen hours from start to finish. Challenge mode extends that. 7/10

Overall: 8.5/10

final verdict: buy it if your and FPS fan