Very fun computer game.

User Rating: 9 | Realm of the Mad God PC
There is always that computer game part of us that lurks out when we finish Halo 4's campaign, or any other video game accomplishment. Then we decide to play a computer game out of boredom, and this I definitely recommend. The servers, classes, and controls are excellent. The atmosphere neat, and the graphics give you that fun nostalgic feeling of back when you would pop that NES game in and play all night long. Of course there are flaws and glitches. But an exciting game that's fun to play around with and even get addicted to makes up for it. I do have a problem with the fact that you have to pay for some items. But in reality all computer games have started doing that. So in conclusion, I would recommend this to anyone who needs an entertaining game to help them avoid boredom, and again the online atmosphere of the game that allows you to talk and interact with other players is just awesome.