only for multiplayer gamecube fans

User Rating: 8 | Rave Master GC
OK, really, multiplayer is fun. That's it. Really, storylines suck, voices suck, graphics are OK. BUT, does that really matter if the game is fun. really. I mean, i still love Orcarina of time. Voiceovers suck because, well, it's called RAVE MASTER, it cant be that good. (it is an anime, by the way.) I just saided it was an anime, so its pretty obvious that the stories will suck. (in the show, there is the threesome of the big butts, seriously.) One of them is that a little girl, Elie, gets her picture taken by someone, but she doesn't know who. So, she kills all the guys. (I never finished it, and the stories take like 20 mins., it was THAT BAD. UM, he graphics arent bad, just not like halo or anything else eligable for best graphics. BUT, amazingly, with 4 people on screen, i didn't find ANY slow down, any these are BIG maps/ (which you cant interact with, by the way.) Anyway, this is a REALLY fun time if you got 4 guys and you need a multiplayer game. And if you like the show. (which i dont,) pick it up. So really, this is only fun if you got a fatal-4-way type of thing. Oh yeah, one more, thing, there is a make your own storyline thing, which me and my friends spent hours, nah days with. IT IS AWESOME. Oh yeah, the computer AI sucks, so this a strickly a multiplayer game.