I bought this game the same day I finished the first one. Yeah. It's that good.

User Rating: 9.4 | Ratchet & Clank 2: Locked and Loaded PS2
So much fun. The game is a whole new addetion to the hit series. The first and ssecond are close, but I like the first better. The weapons... The weapons are all big guns, and really powerful if you level them up. The story line will have you rolling with laughter and you'll want to play the game over and over again. It's all a secqule should be and worth your time and mony by far. You'll love it. And also the rest of the series is just as good. The forth will through you for a loop though. But we're not talking about the fourth. We're talking about the second. The game is great, and you play it a lot and you wont get sick of it. The battleing in some of the worlds is really hard in others very simple. Chose a middle one and you'll be there for hours. And only for the main purpose to have fun.