Feels like an after thought

User Rating: 6.5 | Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty PS3
Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty continues the Future series as Ratchet looks for clues that will lead him to his partner and friend, Clank. The game is a short one. You can finish it in about four hours. The difficulty and control scheme is much the same as Future Tools of Destruction, so for those who have played FToD, you can jump right in and start the adventure. The characters are all familiar ones and you'll even do battle with an old foe.
The graphics are on the same level as FToD, making for a slick, colorful, chaotic feast for the eyes. Animations are very smooth. I experienced no hitches in the frame rate, even when fighting multiple enemies. There are a few issues with the camera in the game. I experienced a lack of control in some places that was not there in earlier R&C games, most notably while on a grind rail.
All in all Quest for Booty is a small portion of what we received in FToD.
The problem I have with the game is the linear game play. There is no real opportunity, or reason to explore the single world where Quest for Booty takes place. This is not surprising given the length of the game, but it has always been one of the more enjoyable aspects of R&C games, and left Quest feeling rather empty without it. There is also a bit too much exposition is the game for its length. There are enough cut scenes and narrations to fill a much longer game, and in the end, I felt a bit cheated on the actual amount of playtime I was allowed.
Another thing that has always made Ratchet and Clank so unique is the variety of weapons, and the ability to level them up. In Quest there are no new weapons, just enough from FToD to fill your quick select wheel. They will gain a level or two, but unlike other ratchet and Clank games, there's no real motivation to do so. Once again, the game's length must have led to this choice, and it makes sense, but it is removing one of the most appealing elements of the Ratchet and Clank series.
I suppose, in the end, this is what is most disappointing about Quest for Booty. What is done is done well, but so much of what makes Ratchet and Clank, well, Ratchet and Clank, is missing. You almost get the feeling that Insomniac decided where in the story Crack in Time (the last in the Future series) would pick up, and put out Quest to fill in the missing piece of the plot. It's more of an explanation than a game.
Still it does get us from point A to point B, and if it's worth the fifteen bucks to you, then grab it for a brief and limited taste of the Future series.