Quest for Booty is a ton of fun if you're a fan of Ratchet and Clank series or you just love platformer games.

User Rating: 8 | Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty PS3
Ratchet and Clank has been one of Sony's biggest franchises, starting from 2002 when they first release Ratchet and Clank for the PlayStation 2. 5 years and 5 titles later, they arrived with the critical hit Tools of Destruction for the PlayStation 3, which is followed 1 year later with Quest for Booty. Although it has been 6 years since they first released the first game, they really haven't changed their formula much. BUT, we know that the formula works. They do add some tweak to their gameplay, like the upgradable weapons. Insomniac Games is also more focused to the fun platforming and fast-paced combat gameplay than the previous games that are riddled with mini-games. Quest for Booty also contains more puzzles solving in it than any other games in the series.

Quest for Booty directly picked up where Tools of Destruction left off. Just to summarize it, Clank got kidnapped by the mysterious Zoni and so the quest began for Ratchet to save him. As the title suggests, the theme of the game is more pirate-like. The story is narrated with Rusty Pete, using a map to tell where Ratchet is going next, with cinematic cutscenes a little bit lacking. Although the title is Ratchet and CLANK, you will only see Clank twice. But he serves his purpose as the main drive of the story. The end of the game is, unfortunately, a cliffhanger and will make you ask questions of what is going to happen next.

The gameplay is more or so like other Ratchet and Clank game, with more focus on platforming and combat. The game also, as I said before, contains more puzzles solving element than other Ratchet and Clank games. The platforming element is pretty much the same with other platforming games, a lot jumping around, hanging around and running around. There will also be rail-grinding parts where you need to jump or move to other rails to avoid collisions. The combat is fun for the most part, although a little bit more to mashing the square button if you're playing in easier difficulty. Besides using your wrench as the melee attack, you can also use your other types of weapons for ranged attacks. You can also upgrade your weapons later on as the story unfolds. Moving on to the puzzles solving element, although this game has a lot of puzzle solving, it is actually not that hard. With a little time thinking you can most probably go through it in a breeze. Your wrench will be used in some of the puzzle elements as you can now use it to grab some platforms that were unreachable so that you can pull it closer and jump on to it. You can also use your wrench for other simple things which I will not mention here.

The control for the game is fairly simple, like any other platformers. This is one of the best things about Quest for Booty. The control is so well done. It has a tight control that makes the platforming even more fun, and with simple button mapping you will get used to the controls in no time.

The visuals in Quest for Booty are very well done. The colorful world, detailed textures and the impressive lighting effect sure do help. The music is also well done. From the pirates theme with cheerful tone to the darker theme, it all gives a well connection to which level you are playing now. The voice acting is just great, especially Rusty Pete's. As the narrator of the game he is just perfect. The humorous lines he gave and great "pirate accent" will keep you interested in the story.

One of the biggest disappointment with Quest for Booty is the game can be completed within 4 hours, although that makes sense considering the 15 dollars price tag. The replayability of the game is also very low as there are no hidden items that you can collect like other platformer games. There are no Gold Bolts like Tools of Destructions, no stuffs like treasures in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, nothing. The lack of trophy support also contributes to the low replayability. So, once you finish the game, you pretty much have played everything the game has to offer.

Quest of Booty is a great platforming game. If you are fan of other Ratchet and Clank games, you will love this game but since they haven't really change the gameplay much, people that hated other Ratchet and Clank games probably won't enjoy this game. The game length and replayability might be a little disappointing but it is still acceptable considering the price tag. What are the final words? Tight controls, striking visuals, and also fun and focused gameplay makes Quest for Booty a game that is worth checking out for fans of Ratchet and Clank or platforming games in general.