For $15, I couldn't be happier

User Rating: 8 | Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty PS3
Quest For Booty picks up exactly where Tools of Destruction left off. Without too many spoilers, your main goal is to find out exactly what happened to clank.

Since you Don't have clank, you are missing a lot of the cool abilities you once had. But Insomniac does offer you a new ability for your wrench.

The story kicks off learning that an item a dead pirate has may be the key to finding clank. and you set off to find said item. You run into the pirates from the last game(i thought i was the commander of them, but i guess not :( ). You get fired off their ship and awake on an island(sans all your weapons now except the wrench). You do a few menial tasks and set off to the cave where said dead pirate is

First Mate Pete comes and helps you to the cave. But he tricks you and resurrects the pirate from the last game(name eludes me sorry :( ) and he becomes the main villian you fight.

The downfall in this game is the weapons are limited. You can't upgrade them like you did in TOD and they start at level 3. It seems they did bring back the most popular weapons(alpha cannon, nano swarmers, tornado gun). But something just felt missing. Thankfully this isn't suppose to be a full game but an expansion, and it is worth the whole 15 bucks.

The graphics are just as good as the last one if not better it seems. Your game will be short running you about 7 hours max of game time, but you will be satisfied in the end.