Good if you love Ratchet and Clank, otherwise not.

User Rating: 7 | Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty PS3
This game was fun for me because I am huge fan and addict of the Ratchet and Clank series. Even still I was disappointed with the lack of depth in the storyline. I get that it was a PS3 download but the way the story ended, I felt all it did was setup for the next game. I was upset Insomniac would do that. I thought they were above that. This game was advertised as an explanation of what happened to Clank and Ratchet going to get him, but it ends half way there. Maybe they are planning on doing another downland game to get the other half or that will be the next ratchet game, but either way I am disappointed. The game was fun, although at times frustrating I liked the introduction of two new skills with the slime guys torch and the tether ratchet control. I liked how they used the tether but how they used the slime I felt was annoying. It was half just too dark jump around hope you do not fall and die old school gaming, which can be fun at times but other times down right stressful for no good reason. All in all, I enjoyed the game but only because it was Ratchet and Clank. If you are not a huge fan I suggest passing on this game.