If you love Ratchet and Clank you have to play this game, but you won't find anything new or interesting along the way.

User Rating: 7 | Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty PS3
I love Ratchet and Clank, and I'm very glad I played this game. Unfortunately there is not much else to love about it. The fun in all of the past games has been the ability to use new weapons and unlock all of their destructive power. You don't get to do that here. The previous games took you to plenty of different planets with lots of places to explore. Not in this game. If nothing else this game does look as good as ever. I'm not saying this game isn't fun, I had a great time playing it, but it was terribly short, and nothing new happened beyond a little storytelling to move the story along for the next Ratchet and Clank coming out next year. If you've kept up this far, play the game, if not you might not want to bother.

I guess I have to write a little bit more to make this review complete, but like the game, there just isn't anything else left.