This is actually a good game. The only problem is the length. When finished you wish for more.

User Rating: 8 | Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty PS3
For a downloadable episodic game this is great. Playing time is about 4 hours and if you've played Tools of destruction this is more of the same stuff. Nothing revolutionary but good solid game play.

Unfortunately the game is too short. I would have liked a longer game or at least an earlier release date for next episode. When finishing the game there are a to be continued in the autumn 2009 sign. A whole year to develop a game when they have most of the tools at hand seem to be a lot of time. Hopefully it will be a good episode.

You get to play Ratchet searching for his lost friend Clank. To find him you need Captain Darkwaters Fulkrum star. The dialog and characters are fun and the platforming moments is fun as well. So if you are in search for a fun game and don't care about the length this is a game for you.

The replay value isn't that great though so to play it once and have a blast for 4 hours is the melody of this game.