Anyone moaning about length should just check the quality.

User Rating: 9.5 | Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty PS3
Insomniac's bite size follow up and fill in after TOD delivers on all of it's aims in this reviewers eyes.

Yeah, it's short but the quality allays any fears of a lack of value. At a tenner for around four hours gameplay it probably gives more than many single player games per pound anyway-and it has exactly the same attention to detail as "proper" R&C titles.

In the gamelet you play as Ratchet minus Clank as the Lombax searches for his robotic pal after the mysterious Zoni claimed him at the end of TOD. New pirates on the planet Merdegraw provide the enemy, in the main, for our furry hero on this occasion and you'll find the serie's trademark humour and high class voice acting intact as Rusty Pete from TOD provides narrativethis time out.

Minus Clank there are gameplay tweaks to compensate for the lack of gliding/jump assist in Q4B-mainly in the form of Ratchet's improved omni-wrench. It now detatches from the shaft to grab distant objects/move things around and there's more interaction with the environment. The little glowing bugs you pick up to light your way through dark caves for instance being fantastically well done(some of the best lighting effects to date on any console).

Fair enough, this isn't the best introduction for players to an excellent series but for the already converted it's just the treat we need to keep us going until the next full length outing from the pair. As I say some complain that it's short but, God, it's only £10 and I'm prepared to bet that per pound it gives me just as much fun as anything I've bought for PS3 this year.

For fans a must others should start with TOD or Up Your Arsenal first to get the feel of the series. Then buy it.