This Sequel to Tools of Destruction is short, but a lot of fun!

User Rating: 8.5 | Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty PS3
Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction was the first Ratchet and Clank to come out on the PS 3. The game ended with a cliff hanger, so it was only natural that there would be a sequel. Well the sequel actually comes in the form of a downloadable game only known as Quest for Booty. This game returns to the series' roots to deliver a unique experience, but is this 3 and a half hour long game worth your money.

Spoiler Alert: if you have not finished Tools of Destruction and do not want any clue about how it ends, skip over the story summary paragraph.
IF you remember how Tools of Destruction ended, Clank had been captured by the Zoni and now Ratchet has set off to find him. His first stop is on this planet with this pirate theme to it. Yes if you didn't get the title, this next Ratchet game has a pirate theme to it.
Ratchet joined by one of his friends from the first game is on this planet looking for a way to help find out where Clank has been taken. The story this time is actually narrated by Rusty Pete who was a dumb robot pirate from Tools of Destruction. The story is actually pretty good and once again is really funny.

This time around as oppose to traveling from planet to planet, you will travel between a few different islands. One of the islands has a small town on it and the others have caves and some Pirate lairs. The locations are pretty cool and add a lot to the theme of this game.

The biggest thing about this title is the game play. Think classic plat forming action. This game does not have all the extra stuff that the last few Ratchet and Clank games have. This game just sticks to the original formula. Plat forming, shooting and puzzle. Believe it or not, this is one of the best Ratchet and Clank games out there. The formula creates a fun and enjoyable game. I have not had this much fun playing a Ratchet and Clank game in awhile.

There are no new weapons this time around, only those from Tools of Destruction. Really nothing has changed in this game, but it is still a lot of fun.

The graphics in this game are great like in Tools of Destruction. The one thing that has improved is the lighting effects, when you enter a dark cave. These look really good.

The sound is also good, and the lines characters say in this game are as funny as can be.

If there is one problem with Quest for Booty, it is the game's length. The game only takes about 3 and a half hours to beat, and isn't very challenging. Also, if you liked having the ability to get new weapons and level them up, then you can't do it in this game. But this is still a fun game.

This game is the bridge between Tools of Destruction and the new game Crack in Time, and it is a worthy addition to the Ratchet and Clank series. I would rather have this game, then another full blown sequel. Hopefully Insomniac will make this next Ratchet and Clank better, because, they saved up some ideas that would have originally gone into this game. This is a great game, and any Ratchet and Clank fan, or even plat former fan needs to give this game a try.