nice addition to the series,and £10

User Rating: 8 | Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty PS3
yes theres no clank but you soon get passed that,its a good little platformer for people who love the series and need a little platforming fun in their life,its great fun and the voice overs are both well executed and funny,well worth £10.
Its great to see they didnt put the last game locations in ,all new planets and alot of new enemy to play with although you do have the same wepons and other charictors give you then rather than buying them and no armour upgrades either.
Bolts are mainly used to buy items to help you on your quest rather than spending them on wepon upgrades and armour so it seem pointless collecting every single bolt you see but this keeps the game flowing nicley.
Although theres no clank you do have a female ally who will at times get in your way rather than help you but tis isnt realy a problem.