It has the charm of a Ratchet and Clank game, but not the gameplay.

User Rating: 7 | Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty PS3
Long story short this DLC add-on is missing some key features that made TOD(tools of destruction) fun. It is basically a four hour add-on that picks right up from TOD. It is very limited but beautiful to look at.


The story in short is Ratchet is still looking for Clank and is on a planet looking for a certain pirate. The problem is the pirate has been killed by captain slag a long time ago and what ever treasure he had is now hidden away. Ratchet has to find a way to get to the treasure and use it to somehow find Clank. The story isn't really the best and it is at times forgettable.


This is where the game really is lacking. The game is a very stripped version of TOD. There is a very limited number of guns and they start out at level 3.Also the guns are the same There is very little exploration unlike in previous installments. The levels are okay nothing stellar or cool just basic levels. The game has the same control scheme as TOD, but its just lacking the fun factor such as exploration, freedom to go where ever whenever, and having a extensive arsenal of memorable guns.It is mostly a platformer throughout the whole game.

Another thing with the game is they love to spawn a ton of enemies. It is very annoying the enemies just spawn and spawn. It gets downright horrible in some parts. Also there is a decent amount of time you will be hunting for some treasure in caves. This is a problem because the caves are very dark (even with a portable light source you use). I have died more than once just walking off the edge of a cliff. I found this inexcusable I understand caves are suppose to be dark, but making it too dark to see 2 feet in front of me is a bad idea.

Yet complaints aside its still a Ratchet game. Like I said before the control scheme is the same. The run and gunning is still satisfying and some missions or areas are very fun and creative. He has a new wrench that helps him with the platforming. It grabs ledges and moves them or grabs a bridge and pulls it towards him. It oddly sounds exactly like a lightsaber.


They are pretty amazing for a DLC game hell any game. They are really great. One of the first levels is a big tropical island. The island is really great to look at. Yet the main problem with the graphics is that most of the time you will be in the dark. Yet either it will be a night or a dark cave you won't see the beautiful graphics for long.


The audio is pretty good. I noticed nothing at all wrong with them.


Continues the story line, still a solid gameplay experience, amazing graphics, the new wrench is cool, some epic moments


Only 4 hours long, no replayability, no secrets, a limited number of guns, the guns start off at level 3, the constant enemy spawning, the story at times drags on, can't explore other planets, some platforming sections are not hard but just annoying, some checkpoints are just awful, the ending is quite possibly the worst ending since halo 2.


Overall everything that I loved from TOD is gone. The game is still fun to play but its not as fun as TOD. The game is mostly filler for a crack in time. If you are a fan of the series you might find something to like here. If you are new go to tools of destruction first and maybe this title later on or just go straight ahead to crack in time.