Fun game at first but that can change quickly as you level only a few times.

User Rating: 5.5 | Rappelz PC
I've sadly played rappelz for over 200 hours and let me tell you I was bored once I got passed level 20. It's not easy leveling and the fact that people can have an advantage buying items with real money ( Yes I know the company needs to make money somehow ) can be pretty annoying, since these items can also sell for RIDICULOUS prices making it extremely hard to get the best gear in the game.

There's a variety of classes and that's a good thing, all be it the pet classes are typically the best due to pets in the game being as strong or stronger than the players, but yet again they often cost ridiculous prices for the best of the best, and just getting the best ones takes a headache of attempts and fails that you'll get angry at.

As said the game can get boring REALLY fast if your not one of those people who can stand playing hours on end trying to get one level ( once you get up around 60+) and the game goes much higher than that (120+ ?). The game is nice for being free but they could have lowered the difficulty of leveling a bit... otherwise if you like playing hours on end and enjoy free games its worth a shot but there's better out there..