If you are looking for a simple fishing game with realistic looking fish, this is the one you want.

User Rating: 6 | Rapala Fishing Frenzy PS3
Graphics- For a fishing game, the graphics are pretty realistic underwater. As far as the character model for you, well that could have been tweaked more. Maybe a customizable toon to match your fishing style; something more than a generic male/female toon.

Gameplay- Um, yea. You go fishing. You catch fish. Not much mental challenge here. Missing the virtual drinking. Biggest challenge is maintaining the dexterity in your hands to rotate or flip the controller to match the occasional directions on the screen.

Interactivity- Again, not much for this type of game. You have free for all fishing (half hour open pond), tournament (simple rounds at various spots with fixed goal to catch a certain limit or type of fish). You are able to take snapshots of your catches, but without timing it right, you sometimes get an awful belly-shot of the fish vs. the nice profile you see in most fishing magazines.