If you like destruction and hours and hours of mindless gaming, Rampage World Tour is just the game for you.

User Rating: 8.5 | Rampage World Tour PS
THis game got a 5.7 here on gamespot. And all i have to say is that there flat out insane, This game is awesome, the destruction, the mayhem, the terribly attempted humor that is so pathetic your seriously LMAO. This game is amazing and is definatly a criticly underappreaciated game. THere isnt much to review about this game except the fact that its just awesome.

The gameplay is very easy and if it hard for you, then your just mentally challenged. All you do is move and tap some buttons. Altough that seems not fun and very clunky its actually quite enjoyable. You run around climbing on buildings punching into them and crazy stuff appears for you to eat. You can fart bubbles, puke, splurt fire out your mouth and even get sprayed with water when you punch a bathtub. There is literally no end to this game. I played it for 8 hours straight and it just kept going and going. I have played this game overall for about 90 hours. If you like just blowing up stuff, stepping on people, eating people (not in real life in gaming, i hope), and blowing up aliens you must play this game. And with all the original chracters from the first Rampage this game is a classic remake. Play this game folks, its worth your time.

All in all this game is awesome and if you like to blow stuff up and cause destruction you need to buy this game now!