One brilliant commander. A whole armada at your command.

User Rating: 8 | R-Type Tactics PSP
R-Type Command isn't your usual R-Type shooter game. It consists of the basic ideas of R-Type, but with a twist, an RPG twist.

R-Type Command is a tactical RPG combined with elements and things taken from the R-Type series. You start off creating your armada force, a.k.a the Commander name. You then start off with a series of missions that you're required to complete.

If you're familiar with tactical games like Final Fantasy Tactics, this should be no different, setting your ships in a certain position, limited amount of space to place ships, it's all the same.

But what makes this game different?

Well for one, the missions are quite difficult if you're new to the whole battle system (like me). Your ships can weave through the 2D plane battlefield and take on enemy ships through a series of turns, regular bombers and fighters don't have HP, but Units, counter attacking consists of many options like firing back, evading etc.

Certain units have abilities like to decoy, which in the end can be like detonating bombs, useful in a desperate attempt to destroy surrounding units.

Though I haven't played this game long enough to learn more about the game, R-Type Command is one game I will certainly be consistently playing.