If only it had been better.

User Rating: 6.5 | P.T.O. IV: Pacific Theater of Operations PS2
People if you want a game that is ok in the graphics department, suffers in the naval gunfire realm, and has planes that are dispraportinate in size to ships, but make up for it somewhat in deph, fun, and ultimately somewhat satisying combat. Then i do recommend this game, but only if you have the patience. If you aint got the patience then i do recommend you avoid this game for your own good. in all honesty i would say that this game could of been great. But is really hurting. the ship designs and details are pretty good. Same with the planes. but when it comes to the gunfire... .horrible, it just hurts to see a massive battleship with lots of guns on it, fire 2 measly rounds and when you zoom into see the guns fire it doesnt even look like they are firing. Almost like the Rounds magically appear and fuse into one giant round. and then the turrets dont even look like they are aimed. So i feel the major adjustments had to be made there. But it was still a fun game. and there is still something despite the lack of good gunfire graphics that is ultimately and satisfyingly euphoric about massive battleships or airplanes pounding the enemy line into nothing. Honestly if you got the patience and love naval stragegy, then this is a game for you though i would suggest before buying if you can borrow it or rent it if you can. But all in all it was still a fun game that i often found myself wondering where the hours had gone after spending an entire weekend playing it non-stop.