Project: Snowblind is a great game that puts you in the middle of a civil war.

User Rating: 8.2 | Project: Snowblind XBOX
Project: Snowblind is a great new FPS that has lets you play as a Soldier in Hong Kong's civil-war. It takes place a ways into the future so you're able to use plenty of cool weapons and gadgets. Early on in the game you're transformed into a bio-mechanical super soldier (this game copies some elements from Deus Ex, but does most of them very well). Throughout the game you will be equipped with numerous abilities that influence the gameplay heavily. Some of the powers will shield you, turn you invisible, or even slow down time. However, unlike Deus Ex there aren't any real RPG elements, as the player gets all of the powers as he/she continues on with the game. The gameplay in Project: Snowblind is fun and engaging. It borrows elements from several different games such as Deus Ex, and even Halo with (the now popular) grenades mapped to a button on the controller. However, you're also able to detonate the grenade by pressing the black button a second time, making them very effective. The shooting in the game is very solid and there are plenty of neat weapons (each have a secondary fire) to use alongside you abilities. Also there is a hacking gadget and some vehicles to aid you on your battle against the imperial forces of Hong Kong. Having said that, this game is very short (I beat it in about 5-6 hours) and the difficulty level isn't all that high, most of the game should be a breeze (especially the one disappointingly simple boss fight). The multiplayer in this game is pretty fun as well. I experienced no lag in the few games I had played online. However, the multiplayer doesn't do anything new. There are Team Deathmatch capture the flag, and other modes that do nothing to re-invent the genre. One thing I did like is that there are set character classes (that are well balanced) that you must choose, each with their own strength and weaknesses. It would be nice to see more player customization next time around, but the multiplayer isn't bad by any means. The graphics in Project: Snowblind are very nice. There are some nice textures in the game. The explosions and guns look nice and the levels are composed of destroyed cities, damp sewers, and futuristic complexes. Sure it doesn't look like Halo 2, but it does more than enough to get by and the end result looks very nice. I did, however, notice that some of the character model's animations looked somewhat stiff at times. The sound in this game is great, besides the cliche voice-acting (some of the characters sound annoying). The weapons sound fantastic and for the most part, very powerful. The explosions and cries of enemy soldiers fit the game well and really help immerse you in the carnage. Project: Snowblind is a worthy addition to your collection and I recommend it to anyone looking for a solid (but short) single player campaign and some fun multiplayer. If you're worried about the short single player, I think you should at least rent it, I just beat it last night and want to play through it again-- this game has so many great moments for action gamers to pass up.