If you own an XBOX 360 and do not own Project Gotham Racing 3 then you are wasting time.

User Rating: 9.6 | Project Gotham Racing 3 X360
Overall, this game has more graphics than any other racing game out there. This game looks 100% realistic. The gameplay is incredible thanks to slides and kudos. This game also sounds realistic thanks to the sound system in the XBOX 360. The new in-car view makes it feel like you're really driving the cars. Most of the cars look great and look identical to the real model. The game also lets you move around your garage in career mode which shows off most of the game's graphics. You get to see the graphics and how the shine looks ultra-realistic. There is no car customization in the game, which is a bummer. This is one of the best games for the XBOX 360 launch.