Very good game! Orgasmic inside the car view!!!! But I prefer PGR2...

User Rating: 8.5 | Project Gotham Racing 3 X360
Let's face it: PGR2 is a far better game then this. Despite the technological advances, the fact is that 80 cars, many of them simple variations (like the 3 versions of the ford mustang, and the various versions of the Lamborghini Diablo, etc.) are just too few for this game to match PGR2. And why the hell there are no Porches in the game? Just RUFs? Those aren't real Porches to me... This is starting to look like Grand Turismo (Hey! We have 200 cars on this game! I mean... like 50 of them are Skylines and Lancers... but we have 200 cars!)...

Other thing that PGR2 captivates me more then PGR3 is the game structure. I liked the 13 (if I'm not mistaken) classes in PGR2. And I liked the fact that I had to get kudos tokens to buy cars, rather then winning money from winning medals. I mean, I can win a race without a single kudo, and I can get money from it to buy any car I want, since money is cumulative!

But apart from that, is on the track that this game really shines...

The graphics are... gorgeous. The inside view of the car is really amazing, and driving in it is not that hard. I can drive as well wih the inside the car view as the outside view. And the fun that one can have from a really nice race is unprecedent in the gaming history. Just amazing.

The sound is quite good also. Engine sounds are great, and I adore the kudos sound (click! click! click!). Is like listening to a casino slot machine jackpot! Despite all this, I consider the soundtrack to be a little weak... but, we shouldn't discuss tastes, right? Oh! And I find it a flaw to have eliminated the local radios too. Ok, maybe we didn't give a damn to what the radios would talk about, but that was a very nice feature.

About Gotham TV, the new feacture... I'm not going to comment on it, nor the online gameplay, since I'm without internet connection at home, and I will be that way untill next year (I'm kind of stressing out from WoW abstinence sindrome...)

In conclusion, I consider this to be a very good game, with an allmost perfect playability, but with a weak structure. Some may say that this is PGR 2 on steroids. I don't agree. If they would just remade PGR2 with such graphics and the fabulous inside-the-car view, this game would have +9 rating. But with this structure, this game is shorter, thus, this rating. But dont get me wrong! This is indeed a very good game! And don't forget that the first games for new sistems are always a little "weak", so bring it out more, Xbox 360... We're loving it!