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Edited By ZzGamerzZ

@cratecruncher Is Sony not also in the business to make a profit? Or by your M$ analogy, should I use $ony? This is capitalism. Consolidation gives the idea of multiple companies forming one whole. These are two companies competing for your business. They provide a service that you either choose to purchase or not. What is wrong with mutual respect for one another? The first PS3 I bought was $599, more than the X1 I just purchased.

If Sony included the PS Eye, their price point would have been higher than it was. These are business decisions based on the directions the companies want to go with their products. This is capitalism, and capitalism is based on profits, not losses. Companies don't survive in the long term on continual losses.

But to each their own... but these "M$" comments just do not make sense to me. All companies are in business to make a profit unless they are non profit organizations. At what price point does a company begin to look greedy and not just in business to make a profit? How much profit is to much? Is it when it is not your kind of product because you prefer the other and thus call it greedy because its more higher priced?

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@jayjay444 @H4num4n @Spaceweed10 you can pay $50 dollars and get some cars in dlc I think. Major Forza fan here, but dissapointed on this. Who knows, I am sure we will be suprised on November 22nd.

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Edited By ZzGamerzZ

@Spaceweed10 I am.

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Car amount is a bit of a let down. When you hear things like hundereds of cars, you think hundreds of them, not that small list. The lack of cockpit views on most of the cars in GT5 bugged me with its long "development." Not sure if GT6 is gonna have all cockpit views or not. Still gonna buy this racer (Forza 5) although the car and track amount is somewhat of a let down given what we had in F4. Maybe we should have shorter development cycles and things might get better for the franchises. Just kidding, Great games. Glad both consoles give their owners close to realism racing sims.

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@bdiddytampa @zzgamerzz Cool interview indeed, although I only read the parts regarding the console hardware. I understand the NDA agreements this gentleman is speaking up, but I also seen recently where someone said the hardware was similar in both consoles.Are they both telling the truth? Naughty Dog created a great Uncharted Experience at the beginning cycle of a supposed hard PS3 hardware to develop for. When I see this, I question comments such as those in the interview, and a hardware company won't speak ill of their product no more than a software company will. Job security is not helped if they do. Don't know how things will turn out, but good discussion no less my friend. I do think we will see both systems in the future running at 1080p 60fps in games like BF and Call of Duty. I'll continue to buy each cycle of these great multiplayer games despite small differences. Been playing Call of Duty online for a number of years.

Gaming debate without fanboyism. This is cool! Good talk here.

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@hystavito @bdiddytampa @zzgamerzz Do you think resolution and frame rate issues won't get any better in future versions?

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@bdiddytampa @zzgamerzz

"ok...and breath" I'm not getting excited here just stating some questions based on your comments. I too have a large amount of current gen games for both ps3 and 360 I haven't played. I have games I brought brand new for 60 bucks and haven't touched them, and their now in bargain bins at stores. Kinda stinks

"The reason this isn't talked about more is something called an NDA." . I understand legal contract issues. The question I am asking is who are these developers you are speaking of? I assumed that you knew some based on your comment. You said they aren't the only developers having trouble developing for the console. I just want to know who they are? Not calling you a fan boy. Although if you prefer one over the other, that's fine. I just read this stuff around the net and am simply curious where it comes from. To assume a system cannot support something based on launch titles is just to soon in my opinion. People said the PS3 was hard to develop for but this didn't seem to be the case with producers such as naughty dog. Maybe one may be harder but it does not mean that a producer cannot figure it out and make something great. To want legitimate data to back up statements does not make one a fan boy.

"and they aren't the only dev having problems getting the XB1 to reach the desired frame rates either..." Just simply curious who this is, that's all. Please share unless your under a NDA. :-D

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How do you know this? What legitimate sources are there that have developers saying there are problems with the Xbox One console that restricts resolution rendering. Not desiring to be argumentative here, but I hear these things all the time and no one has provided an actual developer that says such things or at least I have not seen any write ups. I have even heard on a gaming site the other day that someone who had played both next gen versions thought the textures on Xbox One looked better. I don't know if this is the case, it was based on opinion. I always heard "this gen" that the cell architecture was hard to develop for on the PS3 but I think developers like Naughty Dog had it figured out pretty well. To say things that give an impression that Xbox One will not be capable of running a game at 1080p is wrong. Forza 5 runs at 1080p 60fps on Xbox One.

This is how I read your comment, maybe I am wrong in how you are speaking here.

BF4 does not run at 1080p native on either next gen console but that doesn't mean that the systems are not capable of it. I think given enough development time both consoles could support it. Or at least as they understand the console hardware better. This is just opinion, but I believe this could be the reason for next gen game delays. I am an avid sim race fan, I will be playing Forza 5 at 1080p 60fps on day one for Xbox One. Why is drive club for the PS4 being delayed? It looked cool from the videos I saw. It reminded me of the Test Drive Unlimited games that I enjoyed in past years. Everything I have read, no reason was given for the delay. Was it not going to run as well on PS4 as Forza 5 is on Xbox One? Was it not going to be able to achieve 1080p? Do they want more time to learn the hardware? I am not going to make assumptions like that because I simply don't know and would like to play the finished product of both and then make that decision.

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It would be cool if they suprised us and launched the system like two weeks early!

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@velvethammer2000 did you notice the hard racing side by side, looking forward to that with smarter computer drivers via the cloud.

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