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#2 zipozal
Member since 2007 • 1809 Posts

I don't think Gingrich's baggage is as bad as many on the left think, this election will be about economic, not social issues and with that in mind one could argue Romney is the one with the worst baggage of the entire GOP field, being a Wall Street executive and running an American job chop shop is just about as bad as baggage as you could have when the main issue is an economy that was destroyed by people like him.

On policy matters though Gingrich is very weak, he proposes we take the capital gains tax down to 0% which would give the 400 richest American billionaires who already pay a lower tax rate than millions in the middle class and whom have more money than the bottom 155 million American's a 0% tax rate.

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#3 zipozal
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I've seen people say " Why not do the withdraw the October before the election so Iran doesn't have time to take over and make him look bad?"

Well lets say Iran does decide to take over (hell Iraqs Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is already in bed with them.)

What are our choices? Go back into iraq and face a whole new war with Iran?

That would be the Republicans and their candidates position, not a great position to have with as war fatigued as our county is.


I think Iran's happy enough to keep its military involvement and influence low-key and clandestine. They may both be Shi'a majority countries, but there are enough differences and past animosity between them to prevent Iran from "taking over". The real danger is not solely Iran, but the country becoming a future battlefield for a Sunni-Shi'a proxy war (a la Saudi Arabia and Iran), and Al Qaeda in Iraq gaining enough influence to have a base of operations from which to launch international attacks.

I'm not saying they will, I'm just saying pulling out now will give us plenty of time before the election to see the aftermath of the withdraw.

If it's kinda bad you can just call it growing pains

and some republcians calling for a reoccupation

If it's really bad you will have

Obama will say "We should do nothing"

Republicans "Go back in!"

If it's a disaster and Irans in the mix

Obama will say "Not our problem"

Republicans "New war with Iran!"

My point is doing the withdraw now is a win win for Obama as opposed to doing it right before the election which would be more win loose or keeping the troops in through the election loose loose.

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#4 zipozal
Member since 2007 • 1809 Posts

I've seen people say " Why not do the withdraw the October before the election so Iran doesn't have time to take over and make him look bad?"

Well lets say Iran does decide to take over (hell Iraqs Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is already in bed with them.)

What are our choices? Go back into iraq and face a whole new war with Iran?

That would be the Republicans and their candidates position, not a great position to have with as war fatigued as our county is.

The timing is well thought out by Obama, pulling out right before the election seems to political. Poll out in January though and you'll know Iran's plans before the election hits

If Iran dos nothing that's fine, Obama got us out of iraq +1

If Iran takes over

Obama looks kinda bad, but he did what everyone wanted...still -1

Republicans and their candidate talk up going back in and a new war with Iran -5

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#5 zipozal
Member since 2007 • 1809 Posts


nope but there wont be a game that really punishes the q6600 so a cpu upgrade isnt necessary


No game punishes it oced or not ???

Don't listen to him, he has no idea what he is talking about. The Q6600 at stock simply isn't fast enough for some games, take Bad Company 2 for instance!

When I built my new computer a few months ago my GTX 570 got here before anything else so as you'd imagine I paired it with my Q6600 rig fired up Bad Company 2 and what do you know? Lowest settings or highest settings my frame rate would dip into the 20's on some maps (Like Oasis) because Bad company 2 needs more than a Q6600 at 2.4, I never tried OCing it for BC2, but I'd imagine it would have helped.

So I wouldn't count on the Q6600, even if it runs most of your games ok right now it's still going to struggle more and more with every new title/tech especially if you're looking foward to BF3 as most of us are, though I did see a post saying BF3 won't be as CPU intensive as BC2, but that was probably bs.

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#7 zipozal
Member since 2007 • 1809 Posts

[QUOTE="EasyStreet"][QUOTE="surrealnumber5"] germany, they are part of the euro that will crash and burn but they have an actual economy that produces production goods, a rare state in our first world countries. also i like their tax/regulatory system as they are one in the same and much easier than either our tax or regulatory systems


Good luck getting a job as foreigner they are one of the most protective countries there is. Plus their taxes and regulations are more stringent then US, they just don't have a robber Barron class like US. Also US is still a bigger manufacture the Germany. They just don't have a fat country.

assuming a lot here arnt you? i mean you seem to be under the assumption that i know nothing of germany its customs and culture, you also seem to be under the assumption that i have never been there and have never been offered a job there. what could a person with us and german gaap as well as IFRS knowledge provide to a german based international company?

Not a crazy assumption to have judging by the far right politcal views you've espoused on these forums.

To name a few:

Balanced Budget at 18%

Flat Tax

Slashing Medicare / Social Security because "I'll never need em!"

Germany is by almost every measure far, far to the left of where Americais today, far to the left of Obama.

They have universal socialist health care.

They have a far greater percentage of their workforce unionized.

It is mandatory that employers give you 4 paid working weeks of vacation

More progressive tax code

Earned retirement benefits for every citizen that are more generous than Medicare/Social Security.

I could go on and on, but you get the point. You talking about moving to Germany would be like me talking about moving to a far right evil corporate corrupt cess pool like Singapore or Hong Kong the places you should be looking at, they represent your world view far better than a nationalist/socialist state like Germany.

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#8 zipozal
Member since 2007 • 1809 Posts

Looks like the beta's got all the COD fanboys in vulture mode...

Anyone saying this game a rehash of BC2 should be disgarded completely, I loved BC2 would have been content if this game was just reskin of BC2 with new maps, but it isn't the guns in BF3 handle much differently than they did in BC2, the movement is fast and fluid in comparison to BC2 and the map design differences between the two are night and day. BF3's maps are far more organic than anything in BC2.

BC2's maps don't feel like real places every map is filled with these ugly plain empty generic buidlings copy and pasted over and over again.

I'm not saying the maps are bad, Oasis, White Pass are a blast, but look the freaking design of the maps its just a minor variation of the same empty building copy and pasted a few dozen times, contrast that to Metro (Which I hate (At least as a rush map), but the work in the design is outstanding), Metro feels so real I wouldn't be shocked if it was entirely based off a real place in Paris.

And the games ugly? Ya on console

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#10 zipozal
Member since 2007 • 1809 Posts

There's some truth to that although I wouldnt have phrased it how he did. Certain social programs have been very beneficial and the government should play a role in regulating some aspects of business to assure fairness. However, the far left pushes an ideology that focuses on providing every service possible to some people. They can't say no. Entitlements are a natural right and people should take out far more than they ever paid into a system. There has to be some kind of balance. Self-independence is a good thing and it should be encouraged for people to be able to take care of most of their problems themselves. The government should act more as a safety net, not as a way of life.


Nonsene the so called "far left" pushes entitlements because they more than often have a net benefit, I'm not saying entitlements can't get to the point where they cost more than they save, what I am saying though is that the social safety net in the United States today is such a weak pathetic joke that in no area whatsoever does it really approach that level.

If you don't the poor access to medical care they wait till they have to go to the emergency room, small problems that could have been delt with cheaply cost massive money, they give the single mom emergency care because you have to do that at least! right? She dies anyway to late, her kid becomes an orphan, which costs the government far more, broken homes make the kid a criminal and he's in the prison system the rest of his life.

Not only do you end up spending far more in a situation like the one above, you trade a net positive (giving someone health help) for a negative (locking someone in prison)

A stretch? I guess I could look up the article for you several months ago about the guy commiting a crime just to get arrested for the food and healthcare in prison.

Or look at this!

Raising the Medicare eligibility age actually costs the country more than it saves while making the country a crappier place.