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It is sad to see a game fail to meet its goals. But in this case I have to admit that I have never even heard of this game or its precursor.

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Edited By zenstrata

@PhoenixArisal @zenstrata I am not familiar with the rest of the content of this particular event. So I can not speak to that. When I say something is well written, that is entirely dependent upon if I enjoyed reading it or not. I enjoyed reading this, so I felt it was well written.

As for the focus of the upcoming consoles, yes both of them will do many different things, but it is the 'focus' of each one that concerns me. MS has spent their time showing off pretty much everything else their console can do, and I honestly don't care about any of that. I don't want to wave my arms around, I don't do facebook or twitter, I don't watch TV nor am I interested in any features surrounding it. I don't want to fiddle with my phone to make my games console work (i.e. smartglass).. the list goes on.

What sony did was show that their focus is about the games and the gamers, they are focusing on where a game console should - On the Games!

I also disagree with what microsoft was trying to do with the rights of gamers. If I buy a game, I feel I should truly 'own' that copy of the game. If I want to sell it to someone else, or loan it out, or sit it on a shelf and play it 30 years later, then that is my right and what I expect from something I purchase. There are a myriad amount of reasons why I am not going to consider picking up the new xbox this generation. Not just one thing.

In regards to titanfall. I expect it will eventually make its way over to the PS4. I will have to research more about the dedicated server issue and see what you mean. But I also see PC is a perfectly viable game platform and it should be considered as competition for any console.

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Edited By zenstrata

@arkhamcity55 I am planning on waiting to pick up a new console. With all the news i've heard it will pretty much definitely be a PS4. It looks like sony really has its act together and is making a console for people who like games, which is where they should be imo.

Microsoft on the other hand appears to have lost their way and are focusing on the wrong areas, I don't care about tv or fiddling with my phone or waving my arms at the screen.

When I play a game I like to sit down and relax with a controller in my hands and a serious game console in front of me. Sony will definitely deliver that this coming generation.

But i'm not going to hop into the next generation right away. I'll give it 6 months or so and keep my eye open for a sale or something. The main issue being, I am currently in school and do not have the resources to pick up something right away. Little things like food, books, gasoline, and housing costs take priority.

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Edited By zenstrata

@arkhamcity55 @zenstrata @G-Corleone Ultimately it comes down to your personal choice. I suggest you check out both games and decide what you want. Deus Ex is an amazing single player experience. The Medal of Honor games are more about the multiplayer and tack a single player campaign on the side. Imo this shows in the medal of honor single player experience quality levels.

If you want multiplayer, get the medal of honor title. If you want single player, go with Deus Ex.

If you want both. . I suggest you look at two different games instead of just one. What you will find is that the best games in each genre focus exclusively one side or the other. If they try to do both, one or both sides ends up getting the shaft and being an underwhelming experience.

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@arkhamcity55 @G-Corleone @zenstrata I don't know about cartoonish. That wouldn't be how I would describe it. When I think cartoonish, I think of things like daffy duck and mickey mouse. Deus ex has Nothing to do with that. It is a title clearly for serious adults. And its really freaking good.

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Edited By zenstrata

@arkhamcity55 @zenstrata Think of it this way, Medal of honor is just another medal of honor. The new Deus Ex is a fairly unique experience and one of the best games to come out in many years. It has a great storyline, very nice gameplay mechanics, an interesting world, it will keep you interested all the way through and leave you with a satisfying ending. Its the total package imo. If I had to pick one title to play over the last 5 years. Just one game, that would be my one. I would give up the mass effects, the fallouts, etc. in exchange for that one game.

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Edited By zenstrata

@arkhamcity55 you should pick up Deus Ex Human Revolution. It is one of the best games of the last few years. Well worth the money.

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Edited By zenstrata

First off, it is good to see sony getting back to its core audience and focusing on the games for gamers that made their systems great. I honestly don't want a game console that does a billion things other than play games. And it seems from these pieces of info that sony is focusing on games and gamers with its console, which is exactly what I want.

Also, this is pretty well written news. Thanks for taking the time to bring it to us. Well done Mark Walton. I only have one complaint... Titanfall is NOT an exclusive! Stop playing it off like it is! It has been confirmed that it will also be on PC. The developers have also expressed interest in bringing it to the PS4 as well. I am tired of seeing reporting pieces playing it like titanfall is an ex-box exclusive when it is clearly not.

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Edited By zenstrata

it felt like a big chunk of this interview was chopped off at the end. he starts a sentence, and then the video just ends abruptly. Where is the rest of it?

also, this needs to be on pc as well. There really isn't a great reason why it should not be on pc.

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Edited By zenstrata

Inspiring and amazing gameplay! Press X to jason! . . . Qte events in games are pretty universally terrible. And any game based entirely on qte to support its gameplay.. is also pretty universally terrible. There is always a better way to do a game that does not involve Qte events. Unless you are a simon-says console from the 80's, you have no excuse to rely on one of the worst gameplay mechanics of all time to keep your players engaged.

The segment with the developer was great stuff. I hope their game does well.