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#1  Edited By yanni1
Member since 2004 • 1067 Posts

lol consoles can't even handle cod now. Truly a new low.

tsk tsk.

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#2 yanni1
Member since 2004 • 1067 Posts

@tushar172787 said:
@BassMan said:


... or you can just game on PC and get the proper quality experience. Consoles suck and are redundant. All you need is PC. You can set it up however you like, use whatever input method you like and you don't have to put up with crappy framerate and graphics if you don't want to. Exclusives need to die so that everyone can just game on PC.

i don't really get why consoles still sell as much as they do as a primary system.. a PC is objectively much better.. mass ignorance maybe?

Even as a PC gamer primarily I can see the appeal of consoles. Short term they are cheaper + generally easier to use & are good for the technically inept.

With that being said console is hardly "plug n play" anymore (as some people put it). Console updates, installing games, more day one patches & updates for games. Hell, games crashing on consoles is even a more common occurrence these days than before.

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#3  Edited By yanni1
Member since 2004 • 1067 Posts

These were taken by a user on neogaf from what I've been told.

Seems legit so far. I can't find those SS anywhere else.

edit: Here's the full imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/Wj4dm You can see the keyboard button prompts too.

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#4 yanni1
Member since 2004 • 1067 Posts

Weirdly enough you're probably right lol.

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#5  Edited By yanni1
Member since 2004 • 1067 Posts
@Chozofication said:
@ShadowDeathX said:

These consoles already holding back gaming and their development scope.

Which has pros and cons but w/e, it is Assassin's Creed.

Not really. And this is a terrible game to use as an example anyway, it should be 1080p on Ps4 and even then would be beat by launch window games. This gen isn't even close to being tapped yet.

Yeah it doesn't work like that anymore buddy. Last gen they were working with unknown architectures which took time to learn & develop on it.

This gen the hardware in the ps4/xone is an APU with 'pc like' architecture. It's the equivalent of a tablet cpu & an amd 7850/7870 gpu. They are basically weak pc's and there's nothing more to "tap" out of it lol.

Obviously you will see slight increases across the board as technologies in general advance. But if you're expecting jumps like last gen you will be sorely disappointed.

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#6 yanni1
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I think it will eventually, with a "GOTY" edition.

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#7 yanni1
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Witcher 3, MGS & fallout 4 will all be ahead of bloodbourne for goty contention at most places. Only sony biased media sources will place it at #1

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#8  Edited By yanni1
Member since 2004 • 1067 Posts

Its #87 generic AAA shooter reskin for simpletons.

EA/dice doesn't give a **** cause it will sell like hotcakes regardless.

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#9  Edited By yanni1
Member since 2004 • 1067 Posts

@nyadc said:
@yanni1 said:
@Xtasy26 said:
@clyde46 said:

Notice how it's only the 4K benchmark being used, it's the only benchmark where AMD actually does well. Nice cherry picking OP.

Your argument fails badly. It doesn't change much at 1440P. Fury X ties the 980 Ti. R9 290 is still beating the GTX 780 Ti and GTX 970 by nearly 10 frames. If anything it actually gets bad for nVidia for anything below the Fury X.

Once again, these tests were run with reference cards. Non-reference 980 Ti's get like 10% extra performance purely from the factory overclock out of the box. That doesn't even include the overclock you can do yourself.. Same with 970's. Whereas AMD cards can't OC for shit. I mean I can admit the 390 is a better buy than the 970 but it doesn't change the fact this thread is misleading.

Fury & fury x is an absolute rip off right now since the 980 ti destroys it so badly.

You're reaching a lot, reference cards are AMD and Nvidia's manufacturer specifications for each respective card. Non-reference models are third party vendor bios modifications, in other words they're simply overclocked with a more advanced method than the end user would execute. Using modified graphics cards which also generally come with a different and higher cost premium is stupid, you want to compare the cards as they're actually spec'd from AMD and Nvidia.

You're also reaching in regards to the 980 Ti "destroying it so badly", the 980 Ti isn't a more powerful card and doesn't beat it in all tests, like always with flagship cards they play off of each other, one does X better while the other does Y better and back and forth, and that is in preliminary benchmarks with introduction drivers. They're essentially the same cards from different companies, that's the reality of this, it's a green Lamborghini and a red Ferrari, there is no right or wrong choice, just what best suits you.

Also the Fury X can be had for less money and will likely receive a price drop before the 980 Ti, you're just talking a bunch of shit.

Listen, I recently got my 980 Ti & I heavily weighed up getting a fury x. After doing copious amounts of research the fury x just can't compete with the non-reference 980 Ti's. Also it's a flagship gpu with a high price premium, who cares about paying $30 more when you're already spending $650. Why the hell would you buy reference card when you can get non-reference with much better cooling and 10-15% extra performance???. You're a fool if you buy a reference 980 Ti unless you are running it in SLI which you can argue will give better temps since it's a blower style cooler.


Feel free to go through every game in that review, fury x is not even close. Look at the fps you gain from the factory OC out of the box from a non-reference card. Add 1-2 fps to every amd card if you like cause that's about all they get from their non-reference designs.

Feel free to show me some AMD card reviews which contradict this.

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#10  Edited By yanni1
Member since 2004 • 1067 Posts

@Xtasy26 said:
@clyde46 said:

Notice how it's only the 4K benchmark being used, it's the only benchmark where AMD actually does well. Nice cherry picking OP.

Your argument fails badly. It doesn't change much at 1440P. Fury X ties the 980 Ti. R9 290 is still beating the GTX 780 Ti and GTX 970 by nearly 10 frames. If anything it actually gets bad for nVidia for anything below the Fury X.

Once again, these tests were run with reference cards. Non-reference 980 Ti's get like 10% extra performance purely from the factory overclock out of the box. That doesn't even include the overclock you can do yourself.. Same with 970's. Whereas AMD cards can't OC for shit. I mean I can admit the 390 is a better buy than the 970 but it doesn't change the fact this thread is misleading.

Fury & fury x is an absolute rip off right now since the 980 ti destroys it so badly.