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#1 xDead_Memoriesx
Member since 2009 • 102 Posts

So without getting too sexual(although there is no way around it as, well it is about sex), can you have the 4 way(with zevran, leliana, and yourself) with the ship captain in denerim, without being a rogue. I am a warrior class, i had heard of this scene and want to see how funny it really is. Thanks

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#2 xDead_Memoriesx
Member since 2009 • 102 Posts
Get the add ons.. Gay tony.. and the other one.. they are freakin awesome.simo98088
i would bot i only got 800 ms points. oh and my mic broke and since i don't have ANY money, i can't buy a new one, so online isn't too much fun.
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#3 xDead_Memoriesx
Member since 2009 • 102 Posts

So, i finally forced myself to get gta last month. I beat it last weekend so now i don't have anything to do. I am a huge fan of gangster movies so i was thinking about messing around and roleplaying some mafia-coolness. However, there isn't anything to do. I have heard of bank trunks but I can't find any to rob. Plus, stores are kinda lame to rob. Any advice

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#4 xDead_Memoriesx
Member since 2009 • 102 Posts

I know what you are saying about DAO - if you look in Bioware's forum there have been MANY threads about people going through withdrawl once they finished the game, with regard to Morrigan, the Bard girl (leliana? I always spell her name wrong) and Allister in particular (several threads from woman about him especially). I finished about a month after it came out and I had a similar reaction, I got to like some characters so much, and was so used to having them around that I was really sad when it came to the end, and the part where your companions line up and say their last words to you before leaving for the final battle just killed me - even the dog whining and walking away upset me. It's the most I have ever gotten to care for or about characters in a game. Bioware is for me the best as far as writing and quality control of voice acting goes, and also character development. I wouldn't expect to have that level of experience in ME2, just because the ME series is a different kind of game and the character interaction is probably not going to be as extensive, but because it is Bioware I have a feeling there are going to be really great surprises. DAO kind of has this heavy, tragic mood to it, you just feel somehow that something bad is going to happen no matter what and I think this makes you become attatched all the more to the characters - it's almost like they are your only relief. That's not really the mood of ME so far, but I do find it really interesting that the developers keep talking about the main story and Shepard being on a suicide mission. It does seem darker, so maybe there will be elements of DAO in ME2 after all. We'll see soon enough...

Yeah, i agree with all you have said. especially the withdrawel. It is bad man. I guess that is what happens when you don't have a life but haha. Either way, I am a Bioware fan for life, it is my favorite company and i will buy every game they release. Except for the star wars games but that is a different story. Anyway, i agree that ME is a different type of game but hopefully it will create as good of an experience as any bioware games before it
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#5 xDead_Memoriesx
Member since 2009 • 102 Posts
you cant really judge how much a charter will be in a game with just few thrillers come on dude.k2theswiss
I know, i am hoping to god i am wrong but it just seem fairly weak dialogue. That is my main concern with it. But, with Bioware games, Story is so important. Hey, they are really just humongous interactive movies
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#6 xDead_Memoriesx
Member since 2009 • 102 Posts

Yeah the characters are amazing in Dragon Age, you really care for some of em. Great story to!
Bioware is one of hte best no doubt! Cant wait for ME2! I loved all there games so far and Dragon Age was last years best game imo!


Dude seriously, i loved everything about the game. And, now im depressed cause A. My life sucks and games are the one of the few things that makes mehappy and now i have played this new one, B. I wish there were women as awesome as morrigan and adventures a cool as this , C. Im saying how much my life sucks on a video game website :( lol

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#7 xDead_Memoriesx
Member since 2009 • 102 Posts

Don't get me wrong. There is a reason that Mass Effect was my number 1 game(well now 2nd). And although not many people have played the game yet, i meant from videos. Now, I know that the ones released last spring may have been from early development but even the new ones seem mechanical. I really do hope that Mass Effect 2 is good, and i don't doubt that mass effect will join me2 will joing mass effect 1 and Dragon Age in my top 3. I am just in love with DA: Origins syle and i feel that ME2 may not be as advanced as Mass Effect 1(was at the time of release) and Dragon Age is now. I feel like the game is still at the level that they could put human features into a game, that they had at mass effect 1, yet, Dragon Age has gone above and beyond. Does anyone agree with my, somewhat, confusing ideas

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#8 xDead_Memoriesx
Member since 2009 • 102 Posts

So, I just finished Dragon Age: Origins and it was amazing. It definately beat Mass Effect as my favorite game of all time. As both are made by bioware i was wondering anyone's thoughts on this. I noticed how much i got to truly like the characters in Dragon Age and the romance was alot better(although still not truly humanlike).Maybe it was because the romance options didn't have tentacles or read poetry. Anyway, i was looking at Mass Effect 2 vids and playing through mass effect again and i noticed how mechanical and boring the characters are. I don't know why but i mean im seriously depressed i beat the game and that i will have to wait for god knows long to play dragon age 2. Like,(and i know this is weird) i feel in love with Morrigan character. So, now when i see how bad Mass Effect seems to be, i have to wonder whats going on. I do enjoy medieval themes more than futuristic but...

Anyway, has anyone else noticed this. Both were made by the same company, and at the same time,but Mass Effect 2 just seems so much worse in every way(gameplay and story wise)

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#9 xDead_Memoriesx
Member since 2009 • 102 Posts

Yes (probably run better if you never installed to hard drive in the past), Yes , saving works the same. I just downloaded GTA IV a few days ago. KC_Hokie

Thanks, my main point is that i want it to work the same. No problems. As long as it is the same, full game then i can live with slight graphical issues(minor pop ins, ect.)

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#10 xDead_Memoriesx
Member since 2009 • 102 Posts

Hi, so i am getting GTA 4 on games on demand(my disc broke but i still got the case and all that stuff). I just wanted to ask a few questions

1. Do they play well?

2. If my hard drive or whatever dies can i redownload using my xbl account?

3. Someone on a youtube vid said he could save his game when playing Viva Pinyata Trouble in Paradise. Not the same game but i will be angry if it doesnt'' work?

I am downloading it as we speak so if it has problems well then im screwed but any help would be appreciated. Basically, I want to know if they work exactly the disc version without the disc?