xDarkAnomaly's comments

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@WantYouBad @xDarkAnomaly

I did enjoy it, as did many. You're attributing my opinions as part of me being biased, but you're stating it was generic and garbage as if it were a fact...

lol, is that what you were referring to? So, what you're telling me is that you got incapped somewhere, and then when you were about to wake up they stunned you again...standing alone...in the middle of nowhere...and nobody helped you...that's not the games fault, that's yours and then your teams for not even being able to get to where you are, which likely means they're getting absolutely stomped and then someone is trolling you as a result. Even then, that never happened to me, there are certain invulnerability periods for when you get up and there always have been, you could've turned and got up really fast by pressing Triangle then any direction and X.

And I agree with you there, it was a niche game, but that was for many reasons other than the game. Lack of publicity for the online component, was a bitch and a half to sign up etc.

It's pretty clear we won't agree on this, so let's leave it at that, you're entitled to your opinion on the game, but that doesn't mean its' a fact. After all, popularity =/= quality. If that were true then CoD would be the most quality shooter out there right now, and while it's polished...we all know it's FPS on training wheels (irrelevant as that may be)

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Edited By xDarkAnomaly

@WantYouBad @CaveManCobb @Gravity_Slave

LOL. Ended so fast? You call being played by a dedicated audience for 4 years ending fast? I also saw your other comments on the page about MGO, it's pretty clear you didn't play the game much and quit immediately.

Getting incapped for 10 minutes? That doesn't even happen in Team Sneak which has the longest recovery period out of all game types. I mean, you know you could rotate the analog stick to recover faster right? Probably not, after all you didn't play the game for more than a few minutes it seems. Generic and boring? I don't know what you saw, but I played for over 600 hours an incredibly diverse game that allowed you to play many different styles and be rewarded for it. The skills were all balanced fairly well and most important of all, the game had a pretty sizeable skill gap.

The RWD shop was a very interesting concept, the maps were good mostly and there was a good amount of well designed game types. I'm sure none of this will change your mind, but it doesn't have to.

What was wrong with MGO2 lied solely in things like poor "netcode", dropping frames, poorly thought out server browsing, animation glitches, rampant cheating, auto matching feature that was never used in NA, lack of a manual spectator cam, RIDICULOUS bullshit you have to go through to sign up, etc. The worst things about the game were many things that had nothing to do with the core concepts and game play mechanics.

It's easily one of the most underrated TPS/FPS games ever, at least in NA.