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Edited By warrage

250 bucks for a game compilation (280 here in canada!) and an excellent innovative, cutting edge system. Remember Sony's controller will also be 60 beans. So I think the Sony company, which is completely on the success fo blu-ray and PS3, will fall down in ashes. But wii all know who wins... Toshiba and their cheaper more heavily supported HD-DVD player which will replace your DVD player in your homes. Sony won't sell those 400,000 systems here.

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Edited By warrage

Yes they hold some record labels, and movie companies like Comlumbia Tristar and Sony Pictures but Spiderman 3 is one movies and how many movies lately are not even turning a profit. How many of these stars make more than a couple of albums. Their actual biggest profit making is in the video games because their electronics line has really suffered and and thye've been in the red in every area of their company except in gaming and their profit in that is not even that high anymore. They're going to lose out this era of gaming to the Wii and they will fall flat. I give it to Christmas 2007 until Sony bankrupts completely. People are undersetimating the Wii especially the fanboys of Sony. I was a Sega faboy for the longest time until Sony killed the superior Dreamcast. But the dishonest companies will fall eventually and they know it.

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Edited By warrage

Let's take a legitimate look at the three systems. First, XBox 360 since it's been around for almost a year now. It had a few good games at launch and a couple added more now. The decent games are the same FPS war and action games we've all come to expect + morrwind. Chrome Hounds, Ghost Recon, Call of Duty are all decent games but are very similar action type game. Not much variety. That being said, they still are good games that take advantage of the XBox 360 HD compatability. The new few good games coming out in the fall, well we'll see. HD compatability is only good if you shell out 2000 beans for a working HDtv (not even a good one at times). So it is a hefty investment. Microsoft Live Anywhere seems to be down the toilet with every delay of Vista. And to be quite honest, do you want your PC full of spyware and bugs to be shared with your new expensive machine where you really have no chance to fix it. I know about the differences in engines but something that would be harmless to a PC might crash you 360's. Someone out there will reverse engineer it and send out a bug. People seem to already have reverse engineered Vista with it's brand new kernel. Joy! Sony. Well first the company brought out the PS1 and lied about its specs. Then they said there will be "Toy Story" like graphics on the PS2 and it ended up not even being as good as the Dreamcast in that department. And now, they expect us to believe that the graphics will once again be better on the PS3 than both the Wii and 360. Not too long ago the PS#'s were lighting randomly on fire and the delayed their Japan release a whole year. It took fires to make it a "worldwide" launch. What respect to their biggest consumers in North America. Oh and this is the smae company that is being sued by Nintendo for stealing copyright patents a few months ago, decided to put spyware on everyone's music cd's, and then had brilliant idea that, like the beta machine, they will make blu-ray and be the only hardware manufacturers of it. Look at beta now! That idea also worked for Apple in the 80's and look at Apple now. Took them 20 years to finally bring out something profitable. And boy was that PS2 launch exciting: Dark Cloud, a bad twisted metal game and a game about fireworks! Woohoo... Somehow my rust in Sony is shaken. The only reason they have survived as a company is by forcing every gaming company to making PS2 crap. Oh and appearantly, not only are gaming stores refusing to pre-sell PS3 (especuially here in Canada), but developers don't want to develop for it because of it's tremendous high cost. Once the contracts end you will see lots of jumping ship to 360 and especially the Wii. Sony is hanging by a thread financially and they know it. It's time for... The Nintendo Wii is kick it while the giant is going down. A system that is likely to be $200 US, has a CPU is getting cheaper in dev cuz of high cost of HD chips being developed, has a physics chip, with a new intuitive control scheme. This will be the hottest Christmas gift this year. You can buy the system with controllers and games before you you can buiy one 360 or a PS3. And no TV upgrade! HDtv's are so expensive there's no point getting them until they go down in price in a few years. And by then... Nintendo will on it's way making the next system or have an HD add-on if you want. The games will appearnatly be very cheap to develop for and the graphics... will very likely be just as good on a normal tv. And the games at launch are probably the best of all three systems. Mario, Metroid, possibly the best Zelda game ever, a ASonic 3d game with no weird camera crap, FF Crytal Chronicals, Fire Emblem, those wierd Wii games, MADDEN 07 with the new control scheme. The list goes on. I think after the Tokyo Game show, we will see all the surprises that Nintendo has in store for us. And you have to remember, Nintendo always underplays itself until the very end where we realise they were right all along. And with the DS lite sales and DS games sales, Nintendo aint going nowhere.