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#1 thecrippler2005
Member since 2005 • 781 Posts

So all the previews and screenshots for this game that I've come across so far indicate that it WON'T run on 1080p :(

Are the devs serious? What were they even thinking?? 720p wasn't the way to play this game even way back in 2004! Nearly everyone was playing it on 1600 x 1200 (if not higher) back then.....

My HDTV begs 1080p games. 720p basically shrinks the image and makes the game feel a lot less "cool".

Basically, I'm worried that the biggest USP of this game (graphics/ visuals/ stunning eye candy and all that) is going to be seriously weakened.

Please....please tell me I'm wrong..........

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#2 thecrippler2005
Member since 2005 • 781 Posts

So all the previews and screenshots for this game that I've come across so far indicate that it WON'T run on 1080p :(

Are the devs serious? What were they even thinking?? 720p wasn't the way to play this game even way back in 2004! Nearly everyone was playing it on 1600 x 1200 (if not higher) back then.....

My HDTV begs 1080p games. 720p basically shrinks the image and makes the game feel a lot less "cool".

Basically, I'm worried that the biggest USP of this game (graphics/ visuals/ stunning eye candy and all that) is going to be seriously weakened.

Please....please tell me I'm wrong..........

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#3 thecrippler2005
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@Lidofmidas: NUR? Sure....but not immediately. I still have to do CoO and get the 1000 hit trophy for my Platinum! BTW, do you have a suggestion on how I can get the 1000 hit trophy? I'm contemplating swinging from harpy queen to harpy queen (right after the part where you defeat the first chimera, but I'm open to suggestions here.

Will the NW really cause Zeus to summon just one clone? This I have to a vid please! Yes I have a YT account.

@Starkiller: I agree with you on calling someone the 'best'. That is of course a purely subjective term. But Shinobier is definitely the best I have seen so far.

Again, could you show me vids of how to use the BoE properly against Zeus?


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#4 thecrippler2005
Member since 2005 • 781 Posts

Thanks for all your support....I have finally done it! I've beaten God of War III on Chaos Mode no less....:)

So here's how I beat Zeus (not that it was that difficult). I tried Midas's suggestion but it didn't really work for me. So I looked up a few videos on YouTube. One in particular was impressive: Shinobier's chaos mode NUR.........

So the strat that I used was to go nuts on Zeus with my Nemean Cestus. I especially liked using T,T followed by jump and grab (resulting in the painful looking animation in which Kratos pounds away on Zeus in midair). Rinse and repeat. When Zeus spammed his clones (as in multiple clones), I used Nemean Roar on them to clear them out. I had to use Nemean Roar twice to clear two groups of Zeus clones. I used RoS on the third group and finally got Zeus to show his 'O' prompt. I missed only one QTE here but still managed to 'close the deal'.

The rest was easy.

Thanks to all you guys for your support, but thanks especially go out to Starkiller and Midas and of course Shinobier (is he even a member here?) He should be. He may be the very best GoW player I have ever seen.

Lastly: I haven't heard from Mr. Starkiller in a while. I look forward to reading your thoughts on my recent triumph. As you guys put was a 'Touch of Class' :)



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#5 thecrippler2005
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Ok....I've finally beaten this boss. It was a pretty tough battle but fortune favoured me eventually.

I started the battle with 4 hits from my Cestus, then immediately switched to the Claws of Hades. CoH is THE weapon of choice for this battle IMO. It lets you stay away from HCB while also getting a few decent hits in. Isn't it ironic that CoH is the cure for HCB? I wonder if that's a coincidence or if the developer's intended it to be that way. Oh well.....

HCB1: My strat here: whelp kickbacks, firebow hits, and square, square with CoH (sometimes S,S,T for good measure but this was rare overall) until I saw the 'O' prompt (damage taken here was one little bit of health lost to an exploding whelp).

HCB2: The Satyr complicates things here but I tried my best to avoid him and focus on the HCB by using my firebow. I used CoH dodge or airdash to avoid the Satyr when he got close. I repeated this formula till I got the 'O' prompt (damage taken here was 1 Satyr hit. I still had a bit more than half my health).

HCB3: 2 Satyrs to make one's life miserable. This was all I could bear. I backed away to a corner and unleashed the soul of the gorgon at where (I hoped) the Satyrs were (they were both outside the screen). SCORE! Somehow, I managed to freeze both Satyrs with one blast. I pulled out the Cestus and smashed one. The HCB charged towards me and swiped at me (but I was still alive. My health dipped to below the halfway mark). I immediately recovered and rushed to the second petrified Satyr and smashed him to bits. I heaved a sigh of relief at this point (really I did!). But I didn't realise that the fight was still on and I had some more work to do. Note that the HCB now goes nuts with his launched fireballs. I tried dodging them once with the CoH equipped but still took a hit :(. I was down to one little bar of health! Normally, I would have panicked and screwed the fight up at this point but my experience with Skorpios seems to have toughened me. I patiently set about working on HCB with firebow hits and whelp kickbacks. I used airdash to get over and behind him whenever he charged at me and I also tried to stay as far away from him as possible to avoid the deadly fireballs. This hard work paid off and I was rewarded with the 'O' prompt! I charged at him with CoH dashes (whelps were exploding everywhere and I was too far away from him), grabbed him and I was finally victorious!!

This fight was definitely better than the Skorpios fight. I still have a complaint though. Enemies should NOT be able to hit you from outside the screen. It is just UNFAIR. But then I suppose, this whole game is unfair.

Secondly, the CoH are awesome! The evade animation seems to protect you from exploding whelps a LOT during this fight. All in all, I'm glad that this fight is over :)

@ Mr. Starkiller: You said that HCB's form 1 takes 27 dog hits to reveal the 'O' prompt. You also said that each dog hit does 20 pts of damage to HCB. I've calculated that HCB's form 1 has 540 HP (is that accurate?).

Secondly, could you please tell me exactly how much damage each of Kratos' weapons do at each level of upgrade (starting from the base level). Hope digging this up isn't too much of a bother for you. Would be nice if you could post some 'copypasta'.

Thirdly, would you happen to have info on how much HP each form of every boss/ mini boss/ 'other annoying character' possesses?

Lastly, I'm at the Zeus boss fight now (heart of Gaia). I'm running low on patience so is there a quick way to beat him here?

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#6 thecrippler2005
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Apollo's Bow is MAXED as indicated by Mr. Starkiller. Yeah BH is in fact HB, sorry 'bout the confusion.

With regards to Cerberus:

S1: My strategy here is to use a combination of Cestus (Square, Square) and Firebow hits to bring him down to 'O'. The dogs are annoying and I grab them whenever I can.....

S2: No strat whatsoever here. I basically try to use Hades Hooks + Gorgon freeze at the Satyr (but get killed by the Cerberus while I'm doing this).

Also, I've noticed that the Satyr doesn't get petrified here (WTF is up with that?!). He just slows down for a second before going nuts all over again.

Would be great if I could figure this bit out. The stupid Gorgon Freeze move drains HALF of my MP!

What's a box ER again? And is there a way to freeze the stupid Cerberus?

Oh and my RoS metre is nearly empty at the start of this battle.

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#7 thecrippler2005
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Hi All,

Sorry I had to go away for a bit (my job requires me to travel away from home sometimes.....). Anyway, I got back today and I've had some success with the spike room! I've gone so far as to beat the labyrinth and fly down to Hades to encounter the Cerberus......but first things first:


With regards to Mr.Starkiller's query about the strategy I used against Skorpios, I implemented everything that was suggested to me (often using T,T to clear spawns as well as at S1P2 to get the 'O' prompt).

I also used Solar flash on one occasion (but it wasn't really my thing anyway).

 So yes, the spiked room was a pain, but I did it once I learned to beat the Sirens using Hermes dash followed by 'jump' followed by 'grab'......pretty effective technique and I seem to have mastered it.


The last fight before the end of the labyrinth was a NIGHTMARE. It took me about two dozen tries before I finally beat it. The endless wave of onyx legionnaires, sirens and wraiths was a real pain.....

Thankfully, that is now behind me. However, I am now stuck at the Cerberus boss. I seem to be able to beat the first form and then a Satyr comes out of nowhere. This is where it gets tricky......any suggestions?  Oh and I may be travelling again soon (for a few days) so please bear with me if I'm a bit late with my reports :)

My current weapon levels are:









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#8 thecrippler2005
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Actually, I have Lvl. 1 Claws of hades, Lvl. 1 everything else (except MAX Cestus, BoE and Apollo's Bow).

I'm in the labyrinth and the spiked floors are pretty annoying......

I'm taking a break now.

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#9 thecrippler2005
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Well what can I tell you guys.......I've FINALLY DONE IT!!

I CANNOT explain to you how relieved I am!!!!! Wooohoooo!!! thecrippler scores again :)

Okay, here's what I did this time....I was totally aggressive and didn't let up on his legs even once.

S1P1: Scorpios tried tail slamming me a couple of times while I was bashing its legs and I countered with Nemean Roar on both occasions. When I finally brought him down to S1P2, he had 3 broken legs on his right side and three red legs on his left.

S1P2: It was ONE Nemean Roar at Skorpios' mouth (to clear the spawns) followed by T,T all the way. It only took me 3 (T,T) combos to get the QTE above his head.

S2P2: I was like a man possessed here.....smashing legs with a combination of square and T,T. I used Nemean Roar on two occasions while he tried to tail slam me....he retreated once, reentered the battle and I broke his last red leg within a few seconds just as he went for yet another tail slam. I reacted to the camera panning out for the tail slam and reflexively activated yet another Nemean Roar. this helped immensely as it cleared the spawns that had gathered around me.

Note: Slorpios blew me into the swarm of baby scorpions when he reentered battle after retreating. I tried dodging with the Cestus equipped while spawns had surrounded me and were going nuts with their swirling, jabbing tails. I wouldv'e been hit here (and would most certainly have been treated to a 'Game Over' screen) had it not been for my quick reflexes in using 'fleece reverse' manouevres on the swarm, knocking back every baby scorpion for good measure. This happened to me twice :) pretty cool huh?!

S2P2: I fumbled once while trying to activate RoS (but was luckily, far away from any baby scorpions). Got it going the second time, ran up to Big Ugly's mouth and bashed away. QTE!

S2P3: 'O' Prompt! Score! And the rest is history :)

So guys.....I've got the Boreas Stone now.....I've upgraded my BoE to Max. Is there any other ability that I should upgrade (something that'll help in later fights?)? 

Once again thanks for all your support....especially you Mr. Starkiller. You're Terrific!

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#10 thecrippler2005
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Time for (a long overdue) report:

I've been practicing S1P1 for an hour now and have been able to get to S1P2 with about 50% success ratio. I've also been practicing T,T a LOT. I've been using T,T even at S1P2 (face attack).....unfortunately, Skorpios got up from S1P2 twice while I tried the T,T method :(

S2P1 is another ball game. I kep getting killed by the spawn while I target the big one's legs.....I'm hoping to crack this bit soon. With a full RoS, S2P2 should be a cakewalk.

Seriously though, we should all petition against Santa Monica Studios for creating the most %@#$ed up boss in gaming history.

Oh and I also used Solar Flare on a couple of occasions at S1P2 :)