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#1 tag_001
Member since 2004 • 1595 Posts
Don't feed the obvious troll guys...
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#2 tag_001
Member since 2004 • 1595 Posts
Play the game and you'll see for yourself, even on my mid/high settings the game still looks better than any other game out there right now.
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#3 tag_001
Member since 2004 • 1595 Posts

Ahead of Deus Ex,Fall out and Super Mario 3?

That's just wrong...

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#4 tag_001
Member since 2004 • 1595 Posts

Single player: Crysis easily, I don't think anyone who played both games can argue this.

MP: personally I think Halo wins by a hair in the MP section.

Overall: I had more fun playing Crysis than Halo 3 so I'm going to say Crysis.

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#5 tag_001
Member since 2004 • 1595 Posts

Halo 3 still has a chance even though it seems a little on the weak side after playing Crysis. Specially the SP.

WiC is an amazing game I could see it make a surprise .

SMG will probably win it though.

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#6 tag_001
Member since 2004 • 1595 Posts

[QUOTE="NavigatorsGhost"]I bet I could make Jade cry adastos

Dave Cheung has already done that and caused Ubisoft to take legal action. All because of his comic link

Seriously WTF was that? I would have taken legal action too if I was her, this goes well beyond anything that is even remotely acceptable or funny.

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#7 tag_001
Member since 2004 • 1595 Posts

Anyways, I thought IGN gave the game an 9.4? What is this AU? Australia? whocares? Lets face it, all this review does is complain about the system requirments...if you can't stand the heat than get out of the kitchen. The game is no standard shooter with out the eye candy it is a mind blowing open ended shooter. An absolutly amazing game. In-fact we can now pick out which game sites are fan boys simply by the score of Crysis because it is obvious that anyone who scores Crysis low is either one of these two people

A: A person who has not played the game

B: A person who is jealousy because his PC sucks.

This case with AU IGN it seems to be B. I can play the game fine and I am not running SLI....I must be part of the 0.2% :roll: lol

That reviewer should look for a new job. Maybe reviewing food recipes might be more up his alley.


Um the reviewer had the best single GPU solution on the market and it ran like crap and yes it does ive seen it myself. If you need a top of the line SLI setup to play a game the way it should be played then yes thats a hinderance. And yes system settings should effect a games rating . Some people have better things to do then spend over 2 grand on a gaming pc.

The truth is though that the game runs fantastic on even a 8800 GTS(320mb) like mine. Some people have this brain disfunction that tells them they have to play a game on full settings to enjoy it. Crysis was made for future generation PCs as well as this generation PCs...Crytek doesn't expect people to play it on high but they do boast about the highest settings...hell I would too. System settings should NOT effect a score because as soon as a better GPU comes out to run it the score becomes logically void and uselss...and what about the people who can max it? how should they view the score? The reviewr is clearly bitter that his PC sucks...sorry but old news with these Crysis haters with sucky PCs.

You're actually questioning a PC from a professional gaming website? Strange... Anyway, I'm not sure how people are tweaking Crysis, but in my experience with S.T.A.L.K.E.R, I think it's fair to dock off points if it's not running as expected, and you'll have to do "advanced tweaking" to get it to run smooth with minimal loss in image quality. Regardless, Crytek did say that most people would be able to run the game on max with relatively "easy" requirements (I'm not going to find the exact quote, but the amount of people bragging about playing it on max months ago should be more than enough), and with those screens and videos that looked extremely amazing, it's a bummer it never really happened. And yeah, it's a worldwide epidemic brain dysfunction. I don't know about you, but I don't like settling for second best when I know I can have more. It bugs me, and this is throughout all aspects of my life. Yes mate, I really have a brain dysfunction :roll:

Well there's obviously something wrong with their PC since I'm running the game at medium/high(mostly high ecxpet for shadows and a few other stuff) at 1280X1024 with AA on a E4400(Oced to 2.5 Ghz) a 8800 GTS and 2 gigs of ram. The FPS never or very rarely dip under 25 FPS.

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#8 tag_001
Member since 2004 • 1595 Posts
Short SP + great MP will alwasy be better than long SP. With single player games only once you finnish the campagin the game is pretty much over, specially longer games. I'm still playing games like CSS, BF2/2142, DOD etc... at least once a week and I know I'll enjoy UT3, COD4, TF2, Halo 3, WiC for months/years. The same can't be said about single player games only.
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#9 tag_001
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There's no way the PS3 version will ever look that bad. This looks like the PC version on low or something.
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#10 tag_001
Member since 2004 • 1595 Posts

I could if I wanted but for some reason I get more into games when sitting at a desk closer to the screen.

Go figure.