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#1 SuperPowerBear
Member since 2017 • 2 Posts

When it comes to question like this, it's usually subjective because people have different tastes. One man's meat is another man's poison. It helps to know what kind of games one likes befor seeing his opinion.

Here's my level of experience of Skyrim and Dragon's Dogma.

I love RPG. For Bethesda games, I have played Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas. I love modding and have created many mods for personal use in all Bethesda games. I never played a Betheda games without using mods.

Skyrim like all the other Betheda games have a great game world where most objects can be interacted and tied to a script. So its environment feels so much alive. With its creation kit, anyone can create new things, modifying existing things (objects, weapons, NPCs, stories/quests, texture, ect). You can pretty much create a brand new game with its engine. See Enderal, the much better game created using Skyrim engine and is more superior than Skyrim itself.

As about Dragon's Dogma, I never played Capcom RPG so there's not much past experience I can draw from.

I began to play Dragon's Dogma recently after playing Skyrim since 2012 with uncountable playthrough. After reading many reviews stating how bad the quests Dragon's Dogma has, I've set my expectation. So which game I like better? Dragon's Dogma.

Dragon's Dogma's game play really blows me away. There are 9 different character classes and each character has its own skills. Attack and magic skills have their own animation and game play mechanism. Comparing to Skyrim's single left-mouse-button clicking attack mechanism/animation, it's day and night difference. Each fighting is so entertaining and satisfying, it really puts all the Elder's Scroll game play to shame. Talking about the variety of monsters? Check out the harpy in Dragon's Dogma, a flying monster which hovers in the air most of the time and can cast spell, diving attack, grab victims from the ground, it's a complete different gaming experience. That makes the Elder's scroll encounter pretty much one dimensional even with the dragon added in Skyrim.

As about questing and story, granted Dragon's Dogma doesn't have the Elder's Scroll's creation kit that can create complicated dialog tree for quests but I feel its quests are well executed. I didn't feel the story too underwhelming when doing Dragon's Dogma's quests. And its atmosphere, game special effects, cut scenes all help to make it good and sometimes feels much better than that of Skyrim. I think the creation kit has great power and provides the capability of creating complicated, muti-branching quests but not most of Skyrim's quests take full of advantage of it. Enderal's quests and game design is much better than Skyrim.

Game stability. Playing Dragon's Dogma for a few weeks and it never crashed once. While it never fails to crash several times in each play session with Skyrim. The feeling is like driving a jalopy versus driving a modern car. One you feel like the car will break down any minute. No, you know it WILL because it's guaranteed. While playing Dragon's Dogma, you take it for granted that it's a high quality software and will not crash.

The freedom of modding definitely helps Elder's Scroll game tremendously no doubt. There is not a single game engine out there that provides such flexibility. But unfortunately the game play mechanism is built in the game engine and modding cannot help.

After playing Dragon's Dogma, I don't think I can ever go back to play Elder's Scroll game anymore even I would truly miss creating mods to enrich my experience with the games. The game play of Dragon's Dogma is so much fun, so entertaining, each encounter with enemies is so satisfying even if I lose the battle. To me, I enjoy Dragon's Dogma so much more than Elder's Scroll games, there is really no comparison.